1) analgesic (adj.)
| [ˌænəl'ʤiːzɪk]
| a) is used to produce hemp fibre and as a psychotropic drug
2) barbiturate (n.)
| [bɑː'bɪtjurət]
| b) an infusion of one thing into another
3) remedy
| ['remədɪ]
| c) the leaves of an Arabian shrub, which are chewed (or drunk as an infusion) as a stimulant
4) rite (n.)
| [raɪt]
| d) a synthetic, addictive, mood-altering drug, used illegally as a stimulant
5)medicinal (adj.)
| [mə'dɪs(ə)n(ə)l]
| e)make excessive and habitual use of
6) cannabis (n.)
| ['kænəbɪs]
| f) a medicine or treatment for a disease or injury
7) solvent (n.)
| ['sɔlvənt]
| g) having healing properties
8) khat (n.)
| [kɑːt]
| h) a person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat or danger
9) amphetamine (n.)
| [æm'fetəmiːn]
| i) a religious or other solemn ceremony or act
10) injection (n.)
| [ɪn'ʤekʃ(ə)n]
| j)a liquid, typically one other than water, used for dissolving other substances
11) menace (n.)
| ['menɪs ], ['menəs]
| k) a drug which people take to make them calm or to help them to sleep
12) abuse (v.)
| [ə'bjuːs]
| l) acting to relieve pain