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Ex. 4. Make a full list of your personal goals of learning English and strategies to achieve them.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 412.

Ex. 3. Which three aims of learning English mentioned in the text are of prime importance for you?

a)Write them down.

I think the most important aims are:

first to

second(ly) to

third(ly) to

b)Read out your list of aims to each other.

c)Question each other's choice. Here are some ways you can do this:

– I think it's more important to … than to …


– I think it's just as important to … as to …


– I still think the most important aim is to …


– Why is it important to …?

– Well, I strongly believe that … is important because …

d)Write some other aims important personally for you and explain why.

Personally I would rather prefer

I believe that no less important is


My learning goals Learning strategies
By the end of this academic year (semester) I would like… To reach these goals I'm going to…

To help you set goals for learning English make use of the expressions given in the table below. Report your personal goals to the class.

to enlarge my vocabulary to learn new terminology to develop grammar skills to improve my reading abilities to speak well enough to pass an exam to improve my listening comprehension skills to get better at communicating my ideas to become more fluent and confident to interact with native speakers to be able to start a conversation to maintain and close face-to face conversations on topics that are familiar to follow the main points of extended discussion around me, etc. watch English films and listen to the radio travel abroad


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