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Ex. 4. Read the following dialogues and say whether the students like their tour around the city. Say what they are mostly impressed by.
Date: 2015-10-07; view: 416.
Ex. 3. Role play.
Phone your friend and ask him how he/she is. Invite your friend for an outing. Ask him/her about the weather forecast. Cheer him/her up. Express your hope that it well clear up and you will have a lot of sunshine. Agree upon the date for your outing. - It's a nice day today, isn't it?
- Oh, that's the first surprise of mine. We used to think that there are fogs or rains in London nearly every day of the year. But the weather is perfectly well today. A slight wind is blowing and the air is full of spring smells.
- We'll see more of the city from the top of the bus. We start from the West End and see such historical buildings and monuments as Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament and the National Gallery.
- Yes, I recognize them from the pictures. These are all magnificent buildings.
- And can you recognize Westminster Abbey?
- Oh, here it is, on the left. I know, the greatest English poets are buried there. I'd like to come to this place once again. And is this place Piccadilly Circus?
- No, this is Trafalgar Square. There's a bus stop over there. We'll get off and see the National Gallery. And then we'll spend the rest of the day in some of the parks nearby.
- Now we are moving along Oxford street. You can see numerous shops, banks and restaurants on both sides of the street. The pavements are crowded with people. In the roadway there is a constant stream of cars, taxis and buses.
- The unusual thing is that your drivers keep to the left.
- Oh, yes. It's very important. We have left-hand traffic here and if you are driving along the street, first look right, and when you reach the middle of the road, look to your left.
- Your buses differ greatly from our buses. They are all red and double-decked.
- Yes. In some parts of London we have trolleybuses and trams as well.
- Don't you find that it's too noisy in the streets?
- Oh, yes. The noise is deafening. It lasts till midnight. But people get used to it very soon.
(Bel– Belarussian student,Br– British student,Am– American student)
Bel 1:
Bel 2:
Bel 1:
Bel 3:
Bel 3:
Bel 2:
| We are in Hyde Park, aren't we? It's splendid here! I'm delighted. Everything around is green and fresh. It's a good place to have a rest. The ducks are swimming in the pools. Children are playing in playgrounds. People in light spring clothes are walking not only along the paths but also across the grass.
Yes, people are allowed to sit on the grass. You can sing, or dance, or cry, or preach and nobody will make you a remark.
I've heard a lot about the Speakers' Corner. It's a big open place where a man can stand on a chair, or on a platform, or on the ground and speak everything he likes. You can listen to him, ask questions or you may pass him by without any reaction.
We are sure to see the place. It's worth seeing it.
By the way, are there many such parks in London?
Quite a lot. Except Hyde Park which is one of the best there is Green Park, Kensington Gardens, St. James Park and others. People call them “lungs of London”.
As far as I know Americans also like spending time in parks. Besides they are fond of seeing nation's most impressive natural wonders such as Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks.
Yes, each year over 200 million visit 42 national parks. In addition, there are nearly 32,000 state parks and recreation areas.
I'm got sure it's a wonderful place to spend time in. But it's getting dark, and I dream of seeing the city at night.
At night all the streets are lit by electricity, or in some districts by the brilliant shop-windows and the illuminated signs and advertisements, so that after dark everything looks as bright as in broad daylight.
I see. The picture is breathtaking when you first see it. I thought I knew London in a way but it turned out to be a new world for me today. So many impressions!
That's really more than enough for one day. I'm glad you liked it.
Thank you ever so much. It was so kind of you to accompany me. Buy.
(S– student,H – hosts)
| It's been a fascinating tour. Thank you so much.
I'm glad you like it. Is there anything you'd like to do? To buy a book perhaps? Souvenirs?
Ah, yes. I want to buy a few small, inexpensive gifts that represent British culture to share with my friends.
Oh, we have hundreds of these things in souvenir shops and other departments. Look at these soldier guides, trays with the sights of London, different cups, beautiful scarves, maps, postcards and what not!
Yes, I like all of it, I can't choose.
You can also buy some other things that are probably not sold in other countries.
That's a good idea. I'll have a look around.