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Read these comments and underline the benefits of exercise. Use words from the list and prepare your own short talk on the benefits of exercise. You can include your own ideas.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 633.

Work with your partner. Tell each other about the following.

Answer the following questions.

  1. Are you good at sports?
  2. What kind of sports do you go in for?
  3. When did you take up this sport?
  4. Do you take part in any sport competitions?
  5. What sports do you enjoy most?
  6. What sport would you like to play professionally?

a) Sports you have tried

b) Sports you do

c) Sports you watch

d) Sports you don't like

since, also, what is more, in addition, moreover, finally


A“Exercising makes me feel happy and refreshed, as it frees me from tension and stress”.

B “Since I started going to the gym I've found that I am able to concentrate more easily. It has also improved my mental performance, and now I have fewer problems with my studies”.

C “I've become healthier since I joined the sports club and I've noticed that I hardly ever get ill anymore”.

D “I have started skiing every evening and now I feel full of energy all of the time”.

E “I find that walking is the best way to keep fit and healthy. It doesn't tire me out, and it makes me feel alive and alert”.


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Match the sentence beginnings (a-h) with their endings (1-8). | Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words given.
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