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The Sun's satellites

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 364.

There are eight planets and a large number of smaller objects orbiting the Sun. (Exactly which bodies should be classified as planets and which as “smaller objects” has been the source of some controversy, but in the end it is really only a matter of definition. Pluto is no longer officially a planet but it is kept here for history's sake.)



The Sun's Satellites
Planet   планеты Distance (000 km) расстояние до солнца Radius (km) радиус Average orbital speed (km/s) средняя орбитальная скорость Orbital period (days/ years) орбитальный период Mass (kg) масса Equatorial rotation velocity (km/s or km/h) скорость вращения Mean density (g/cm³) средняя плотность
Mercury 57 910 47.87 km/s 87.9691 days 0.240846 yr 3.30e23 10.892 km/h 5.427 g/cm³
Venus 108 200 35.02 km/s 224.70069 days 0.6151970 yr 4.87e24 6.52 km/h 5.204 g/cm³
Earth 149 600 29.783 km/s 107 218 km/h 365.256366 days 1.0000175 yr 5.98e24 465.11 m/s 1674.396 km/h 5.5153 g/cm³
Mars 227 940 24.077 km/s   686.9600 days 1.8820821 yr 6.42e23 868.22 km/h 3.934 g/cm³
Jupiter 778 330 13.07 km/s 4331.572days 11.85920yr 1.90e27 12.6 km/s 45 300 km/h 1.326 g/cm³
Saturn 1 426 940 9.69 km/s 10832.327 days 29.657296 yr 5.69e26 9.87 km/s 35 500 km/h 0.687 g/cm³ (less than water)
Uranus 2 870 990 6.81 km/s 30.799.095 days 84.323326 yr 8.69e25 2.59 km/s 9 320 km/h 1.27 g/cm³
Neptune 4 497 070 5.43 km/s 60.190 000 days 164.79 years 1.02e26 2.68 km/s 9 660 km/h 1.638 g/cm³
Pluto 5 913 520 4.666 km/s 90 613.3055 days 248.09 yr 1.31e22 47.18 km/h 2.03 ± 0.06 g/cm³


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