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Read the text about Nokia.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 369.


Translate into English.

Fill in proper prepositions.

Give the derivatives of the words below.

to employ -

to operate –

to communicate –

to place –

to assemble –

to sell –

to manufacture –


1Samsung Electronics has assembly plants and sales networks . . . 88 countries and employs . .. .. 370,000 people.

2 Apple was founded . . . April 1, 1976, and incorporated. .. . Apple Computer, Inc. . . . January 3, 1977.

3 Apple the most admired company . .. . the United States in 2008, and in the world . .. .2008 . . .. 2012.

4 In May 2013, Apple entered the top ten . . .. the Fortune 500 list of companies . . . … the first time.

5 The company is also one of the largest vendors. . . the tablet computer market thanks . . . its Android-powered Samsung Galaxy Tab collection.

6 It is generally regarded . . . pioneering the tablet market . . . . the Samsung Galaxy Note family of devices.



1 Cамсунг Електронікс володіє складальними виробництвами і торгівельними мережами у 88 країнах.

2 Cамсунг Електронікс є одним з найбільших продавців планшетних комп'ютерів.

3 Перший і-фон було представлено користувачам у січні 2007 року.

4 У 2013 року компанію Епл було вперше включено до списку 10 топ-компаній світу згідно часопису Форчун.

5 У 2012 році річний прибуток компанії склав 30 мільярдів євро.


Nokia Corporation is a Finnish multinational communications and information technology corporation (originally a paper production plant) headquartered in Espoo, Finland. Its principal products are mobile telephones and portable IT devices. It also offers Internet services including applications, games, music, media and messaging, and free-of-charge digital map information and navigation services. Nokia owns a company named Nokia Solutions and Networks, which provides telecommunications network equipment and services.

As of 2012, Nokia employs 101,982 people across 120 countries, conducts sales in more than 150 countries, and reports annual revenues of around ?30 billion. By 2012, it was the world's second-largest mobile phone maker in terms of unit sales (after Samsung), with a global market share of 18.0% in the fourth quarter of that year. Now, Nokia only have 3 per cent market share in smart phones. They lost 40 per cent of their revenue in mobile phones in Q2 2013. Nokia was the world's largest vendor of mobile phones from 1998 to 2012. However, over the past five years its market share declined as a result of the growing use of touchscreen smart phones from other vendors—principally the iPhone, by Apple, and devices running on Android, an operating system created by Google. The corporation's share price fell from a high of US$40 in late 2007 to under US$2 in mid-2012. Nokia announced a strategic partnership with Microsoft in February 2011, leading to the replacement of Symbian with Microsoft's Windows Phone operating system in all Nokia smart phones. After the replacement, Nokia's smart phone sales figures, which had previously increased, collapsed dramatically.

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III CHECK AND IMPROVE YOUR VOCABULARY SKILLS | Read some more facts about Samsung, Apple and Nokia companies.
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