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Man-Made Disasters

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 465.

Unit 4

Fill in the correct idiom from the list below.

Look at the list of offences and decided which are major and which are minor. Then look at the forms of punishment and decide which is appropriate for each offence. Write sentences as in the example.


1. murder 2. burglary 3. rape 4. writing graffiti on a public building 5. carjacking 6. robbery 7. toxic environmental pollution 8. making noise late at night 9. shop lifting 10. arson 11. vandalism 12. littering


to be sent to prison; to do community service; to be sentenced to life imprisonment; to be find a large/small amount of money; to be given a suspended (óìîâíèé) sentence; to be given a warning.


E. g. Murder is a major offence. I think that someone who murders smb. should be sentenced to life imprisonment.

a) caught red-handed; b) doing time;

c) in cold blood; d) on the alert; e) at large.

1.To avoid being mugged in large cities, people should always be …. .

2.The burglar was …. trying to steal money and jewellery from the flat.

3.He killed his enemy …. and claimed that he felt no regret afterwards.

4.The police announced that a dangerous criminal was …. and advised people to remain inside with their doors and windows locked.

5.After …. for robbery, he swore be would never commit another crime.



1 (a). Read the wiki article in group,


Anthropogenic hazards or human-made hazards can result in the form of a human-made disaster. In this case, anthropogenic means threats having an element of human intent, negligence, or error; or involving a failure of a human-made system. It results in huge loss of life and property. It further affects a person's mental, physical and social well-being. This is opposed to natural disasters resulting from natural hazards, however they often combine.


Types are defined by the causes or hazards, which are basically two: social and technological. Living aside social ones (disorders and riots, acts of terrorism, genocides and wars), we will consider technological ones, which encompass: industrial hazards (including chemical toxic (oil) spills, mining and dam accidents, explosions in plants and power stations, etc.), structural collapse (of bridges and buildings), power outrage or blackouts, fires and explosions, hazards connected with radiation and dumping hazardous materials (e.g. ocean dumping), infrastructural hazards (human stampedes, events on the roads and in tunnels) and transport hazards (connected with trains, aviation, sea and river transport as well as spaceships).


Human-made hazards
1 (b). Copy the scheme Human-made hazards below on the blackboard and complete trying not to look in the text.






2. Look at the photos and describe them, then match them to the description of the accident they depict.












a. Mines are the most common culprits of geo-physical hazards triggered by humans. Earth Scientist, Dr. Christian Close, PhD estimates that 50% of all human triggered earthquakes recorded globally are induced by mines.


b. A damaged seawater intake pump sits outside the Fukushima plant, testimony to the frantic efforts to control the fuel decay heat last March after power was lost to the cooling system.


c. Traffic backed up into Dover after a fire in the Channel Tunnel closed the railroad link between England and France.


d. The South Korean jetliner that crash-landed at San Francisco International Airport was flying far too slowly to reach the runway and began to stall just before the pilot gunned his engines in a futile effort to abort the landing, the National Transportation Safety Board said Sunday.


e. A ground-rattling explosion Thursday at a chemical plant in Louisiana ignited a blaze that killed one person and injured dozens of others, authorities said. Witnesses described a chaotic scene of towering flames and workers scrambling over gates to escape the plant.


f. Like a set of falling dominoes, sections of a major bridge collapsed into the Tubul River near the tiny seaside fishing village of Tubul following earthquake in Chile.


Which of the depicted accident struck you most? Discuss in pairs.


3 (a). Read the text and correct the statements below.

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