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Some/any/noDate: 2015-10-07; view: 524.
• Some, anyand noare used with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns. some milk, some pencils • Someand its compounds (someone/ somebody, something, somewhere) are normally used in affirmativesentences. We need someinformation. He found somethinginteresting at the auction. • Anyand its compounds are used in interrogativesentences. Not anyis used in negativesentences. Are there anypens on the desk? There isn't anythingin the cupboard. Anyand its compounds are also used with negative words such as without, never, seldom, rarely, hardly,etc. There are hardly anymagazines on the table. • No and its compounds are used instead of not anyin negativesentences. She told me nothing. • We use a singular verb with compounds of some, anyand no. There is someonein the kitchen. • Someand its compounds are also used in interrogative sentences when we expect a positive answer, or when we make an offer or a request. Ron can't help us with the project. Shall we ask somebodyelse? (We expect the answer 'yes'.) Would you like somethingto drink? (offer) Yes, please. Can I have somejuice? (request) • Anyand its compounds can be used after if in affirmative sentences. Ifanybody calls, say I'll be back in an hour. • Anyand its compounds can be used in affirmative sentences with a difference in meaning. a) You can buy anybicycle you like. (it doesn't matter which) b) Anyone/Anybody can learn how to use a computer, (it doesn't matter who) c) You can find anythingfrom a lamp to a silk shirt in The Stock Shop. (it doesn't matter what) d) I'll take you anywhereyou want. (it doesn't matter where)