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EnglishDate: 2015-10-07; view: 384. The sky is clear. The artist used the contrast colours to underline the fairy-tale beauty of winter night somewhere far away in the north, there, where hardly a foot of a man stepped. Even the wind has fallen asleep. The moon is illuminating brightly everything around. It is the frosty night on the wild north. The night was starry and it means that the day is going to be frosty. And only a dark shadow of the mighty tree on the top of the rock is blackening on the vast snow-white expanse sparkling with all colours of rainbow. The spectator admires the fairy-tale winter beauty and at the same time he feels the cold of the frosty night. But it will be another picture. The nature is sleeping at night and at the day time. It is warm under the thick covering. The light clouds have hung in the still air. Some more minutes and the black night mist will fall down and won't be seen behind the rock. The morning will come. It is cold and quiet. The winter also took care of the tree, it threw on its branches the heavy snow fir-coat under which they bent to the very ground. The artist's skill is so great that the landscape is perceived like reality. Another moment and the first sun's rays will glitter behind the horizon sank in the twilight. The sun will be shining brightly on the azure expanse of the sky but it hardly warms up. Task 2. Shishkin I.I. “The Pine Wood” According to the Russian version of the text copy it in English in the proper order and read it perfectly: Vocabulary: the day has turned out wonderful …. – óäèâèòåëüíûé äåíü âûäàëñÿ … the pine wood – ñîñíîâûé áîð sunny – ñîëíå÷íûé there is no a cloud in the sky - íà íåáå íè îáëà÷êà each blade of grass – êàæäàÿ òðàâèíêà leaf – ëèñò, ëèñòî÷åê needle – õâîèíêà even – äàæå brook – ðó÷åé to reflect – îòðàæàòüñÿ splendour – âåëèêîëåïèå to shine in the sun (shone, shone) – ñâåðêàòü íà ñîëíöå with the brilliance of emerald – áëåñêîì èçóìðóäà clean limpid air – ÷èñòûé ïðîçðà÷íûé âîçäóõ to be filled with – áûòü íàïîëíåííûì ÷åì-ëèáî forest fragrance – àðîìàò ëåñà from the dark heart of the forest – èç ò¸ìíîé ÷àùè to come out – âûõîäèòü to bask in the warm sun's rays – ïîíåæèòüñÿ â ò¸ïëûõ ñîëíå÷íûõ ëó÷àõ
impressionable spectator – âïå÷àòëèòåëüíûé çðèòåëü to hear the forest sounds – óñëûøàòü çâóêè ëåñà through – ñêâîçü the birds' babbling and bees' buzz - ùåáåòàíèå ïòèö è æóææàíèå ï÷¸ë is heard the growling of the bear-cubs – äîíîñèòñÿ ðû÷àíèå ìåäâåæàò slowly – ìåäëåííî to flow – òå÷ü on the stony bottom – ïî êàìåíèñòîìó äíó to attract – ïðèâëåêàòü forest inhabitants – ëåñíûå îáèòàòåëè water murmur – æóð÷àíèå âîäû cold freshness – õîëîäíàÿ ñâåæåñòü the trees pulled out with the roots – âûðâàííûå ñ êîðíÿìè äåðåâüÿ the withered branches – ñóõèå âåòêè dried trunks – âûñîõøèå ñòâîëû broken in the storm – îáëîìèâøèåñÿ âî âðåìÿ áóðè to remind somebody about – íàïîìèíàòü êîìó-ëèáî î ÷¸ì-ëèáî to show (showed, shown) – ïîêàçûâàòü the only moment – òîëüêî ìè