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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 362.

The pure brook is slowly flowing on the stony bottom attracting the forest dwellers by its water murmur and cold freshness. Clean limpid air is filled with the forest fragrance. The trees pulled out with the roots, the withered branches, the dried trunks, broken in the storm remind us about the fact that the forest lives with its own life from which the painter showed the only moment. The bears came out from the dark heart of the forest to bask in the warm sun's rays. The day has turned out wonderful in the pine wood: it is sunny and there is no a cloud in the sky. The picture is so real that the impressionable spectator is able to feel not only the fresh fragrance of the pine wood but also to hear the sounds of the forest: through the birds' babbling and the bees' buzz it is heard the growling of the bear-cubs. Each blade of grass, a leaf and a needle and even a brook, in which the pine forest splendour is reflected, are shining in the sun with the brilliance of emerald.


Task 3. Ostrouhov I.S. “The Golden Autumn”

According to the Russian version of the text copy it in English in the proper order and read it perfectly:


somewhere far away – ãäå-òî âäàëè

dense foliage – ãóñòàÿ ëèñòâà

to be visible – ïðîñìàòðèâàòüñÿ, áûòü âèäèìûì

piece – êóñî÷åê

to create the atmosphere of – ñîçäàâàòü àòìîñôåðó

mixed – ñìåøàííûé

light sadness – ë¸ãêàÿ ãðóñòü

the past summer – ïðîøåäøåå ëåòî

to be heard – ñëûøàòüñÿ

the bees' buzz – æóææàíèå ï÷¸ë

to babble – ùåáåòàòü

as merry as – òàê âåñåëî êàê

even – äàæå

magpie – ñîðîêà

restless – íåóãîìîííûé

prattler – áîëòóí(üÿ)

to grow quiet (grew, grown) – çàòèõíóòü

to rustle – øåëåñòåòü

to tear off (tore, torn) – îòðûâàòü

the leaf after leaf – ëèñòîê çà ëèñòêîì

to fall (fell, fallen) – ïàäàòü

to cover – óêðûâàòü

splendid gay coloured carpet – âåëèêîëåïíûé ï¸ñòðûé êîâ¸ð

to fall asleep – çàñûïàòü

to say goodbye – ïðîùàòüñÿ

to sing (sang, sung) – ïåòü, âîñïåâàòü

canvas – êàðòèíà, ïîëîòíî

to find a place (found, found) – íàõîäèòü ìåñòî/óãîëîê

the Earth – Çåìëÿ

so as once – âîò òàê êàê êîãäà-òî

to preserve – ñîõðàíèòü

mankind – ÷åëîâå÷åñòâî

to be appealed for – áûòü ïðèçâàííûì äëÿ

generation – ïîêîëåíèå


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