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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 331.

Bright colours create the atmosphere of solemnity mixed with the light sadness about the past summer. It's a fine autumn day. And the birds don't babble as merrily as in fine summer

days. So as once Ostroukhov preserved for the mankind the beauty of the autumn day, the mankind is appealed to preserve nature for the future generations. The leaves are falling on the ground covering everything around with the splendid gay coloured carpet. Somewhere in the distance through the still dense foliage are seen the blue pieces of the sky. Falling asleep the nature is saying good bye to us till the next spring. It is only heard how the breeze is rustling in the foliage tearing off a leaf after a leaf. Russian Autumn sang in the poems of lots of poets and in the canvases of many painters, finds a place in the heart of each person who loves Nature, Russia, and the Earth. The bees' buzz is no more heard. Even the magpies, these restless prattlers grew quiet for some time.


Task 4. Levitan I.I. “The Golden Autumn”

According to the Russian version of the text copy it in English in the proper order and read it perfectly:


to show (showed, shown) – ïîêàçûâàòü

splendid fading of nature – ïûøíîå óâÿäàíèå ïðèðîäû

bright foliage – ÿðêàÿ ëèñòâà

to use – èñïîëüçîâàòü

combination – ñî÷åòàíèå

rich – ñî÷íûé (î êðàñêàõ)

not so fast – íå òàê áûñòðî

to flow – òå÷ü

water murmur – æóð÷àíèå âîäû

hardly – åäâà

to be caught – áûòü óëîâèìûì

to shine (shone, shone) – áëåñòåòü

to reflect – îòðàæàòü(ñÿ)

light snow-white clouds – ë¸ãêèå áåëîñíåæíûå îáëàêà

to float in the sky – ïëûòü ïî íåáó

like ships – êàê êîðàáëè

the banks of the river – áåðåãà ðåêè

clean and limpid – ÷èñòûé è ïðîçðà÷íûé

to be filled with the fragrance of – áûòü íàïîëíåííûì àðîìàòîì

birch grove – áåð¸çîâàÿ ðîùà

still – âñ¸ åù¸

to babble merrily – âåñåëî ùåáåòàòü

singing of many voices in summer –ëåòíåå ìíîãîãîëîñüå

to make somebody happy – ðàäîâàòü êîãî-ëèáî

village – äåðåâíÿ

harvesting time – óáîðî÷íàÿ ñòðàäà

to be in the full swing – áûòü â ñàìîì ðàçãàðå

both … and … – è … , è…

adult – âçðîñëûé

in the field – â ïîëå

to be in a hurry – òîðîïèòüñÿ

a lot of work to do – ìíîãî ðàáîòû

countryside – ñåëüñêàÿ ìåñòíîñòü

in the living of the artist – â áûòíîñòü õóäîæíèêà


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