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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 420.

The combination of contrast colours underlines the splendour of falling asleep nature. The Early Snow” is the picture of the famous Russian painter V.D. Polenov. It is impossible to say that it is the late autumn because the trees haven't lost their foliage yet. The trees haven't thrown off their autumn dresses yet but heavy gray clouds have already dropped the snow. The autumn leaves are lazily waving in the wind which blows up from time to time taking them far away.

The river is covering with ice slowly and the banks have already frozen. But winter is coming closer. The autumn does its own noble business: it gives nature time to throw its clothes and to fall asleep silently. Everything around confirms its soon coming: indifferent cloudy sky, silvery water, and the river banks covered with snow.

Task 7. Polenov V.D. “The Oka River. The Summer Day

According to the Russian version of the text copy it in English in the proper order and read it perfectly:


It is very beautiful on the Oka River when the summer is at its height. –  ñàìûé ðàçãàð ëåòà íà Îêå î÷åíü êðàñèâî.

to be penetrated with something – áûòü ïðîíèçàííûì ÷åì-ëèáî

to use – èñïîëüçîâàòü

bright and tender tones – ÿðêèå è íåæíûå òîíà

to show (showed, shown) – ïîêàçàòü

magnificence – âåëèêîëåïèå

clear azure sky – ÿñíîå ëàçóðíîå íåáî

to float – ïëûòü

light snow-white clouds – ë¸ãêèå áåëîñíåæíûå îáëàêà

the hardly caught – åäâà óëîâèìûé

rustle – øåëåñò

foliage – ëèñòâà

to buzz – æóææàòü

to gather – ñîáèðàòü

honey – ì¸ä

insect – íàñåêîìîå

fly – ìóõà

beetle – æóê

butterfly – áàáî÷êà

grasshopper – êóçíå÷èê

to babble – ùåáåòàòü

in efforts about somebody – â õëîïîòàõ î êîì-ëèáî

nestling – ïòåíåö

invisible – íåâèäèìûé

external – âíåøíèé

to spread (spread, spread) – ïðîòÿíóòüñÿ

till the very horizon – äî ñàìîãî ãîðèçîíòà

shrub – êóñòàðíèê

to shine with (shone, shone) – ñâåðêàòü

the brilliance of emerald – áëåñê èçóìðóäà

splendour – âåëèêîëåïèå

to reflect – îòðàæàòü(ñÿ)

smooth surface – çåðêàëüíàÿ ïîâåðõíîñòü

here they are – âîò îíè

the vast Russian expanses of land – áåñêðàéíèå ðóññêèå ïðîñòîðû

sang in the poems and songs – âîñïåòûå â ñòèõàõ è ïåñíÿõ

“There is what for, Mighty Russia, to fall in love with you, to call You Mother”. - «Óæ è åñòü çà ÷òî Ðóñü ìîãó÷àÿ ïîëþáèòü òåáÿ, íàçâàòü Ìàòóøêîé».

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