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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 373.

Everything around is penetrated with the sun light and warmth. The green grass is shining with the brilliance of emerald. Only the lonely bench in the shadow will have been waiting for its visitors till the very evening. And in the evening may be a tired old man will sit down on it to have some rest or children run here to jump over it, or may be a couple of young lovers will have been dreaming here till the next morning. A piece of such a landscape I.I. Levitan preserved for us.

The artist managed to show the May Day in all its splendour. There is no a cloud in the azure expanse of the sky. All villagers are now in the field. The air filled with the fragrance of the blossoming apple-trees is clean and limpid. This is a country-side in the middle part of Russia. The nature has awoken and come back to life. How beautiful the nature is in May when the orchards are blossoming! The sowing time is going on. The insects are buzzing above the flowers, the birds are merrily babbling in the orchard rejoicing at the long-waited spring.


Task 11. Ostrouhov I.S. “Siverko”

According to the Russian version of the text copy it in English in the proper order and read it perfectly:


another moment – åù¸ ìãíîâåíèå

thunderstorm – ãðîçà

to hit – óäàðèòü, ðàçðàçèòüñÿ

the strong gust of wind – ñèëüíûé ïîðûâ âåòðà

to bend down (bent, bent) – ïðèãíóòü

till the very ground – äî ñàìîé çåìëè

the murmur of the forest – øóì ëåñà

the lapping of water – ïëåñê âîäû

the howl of wind – çàâûâàíèå âåòðà

insect – íàñåêîìîå

to hide in one's shelter – ñïðÿòàòüñÿ â ñâî¸ì óáåæèùå

to be protected from – óêðûòüñÿ îò

rapidly moving towards somebody – áûñòðî íàäâèãàþùèéñÿ íà êîãî-ëèáî

impetuously – ñòðåìèòåëüíî

to rush up and down – íîñèòüñÿ

covered with ripples – ïîêðûòûé ðÿáüþ

to presage – ïðåäâåùàòü

to approach – ïðèáëèæàòüñÿ

to pour with the shower – ëèâåíü ïîëèâàåò

on the horizon – íà ãîðèçîíòå

to be heard – äîíåñòèñü

roar of thunder – ðàñêàò ãðîìà

lightning – ìîëíèÿ

to flash – ñâåðêíóòü

to rattle – ãðåìåòü

the dense heavy rain – ÷àñòûé ñèëüíûé äîæäü

to join – ñîåäèíÿòü

to use – èñïîëüçîâàòü

a lot of tones – ìíîæåñòâî îòòåíêîâ

to portray movement – ïåðåäàòü äâèæåíèå

to darken – òåìíåòü

the river-bed – ðóñëî ðåêè

bank – áåðåã

to depict – èçîáðàæàòü

naturally – åñòåñòâåííî

to take something – âîñïðèíèìàòü ÷òî-ëèáî

to show (showed, shown) – ïîêàçûâàòü

the frozen fragment – çàñòûâøèé ôðàãìåíò



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