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Avoid Leapfrogging

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 488.

Reporters often refer to an individual in their lead and begin their second paragraph with a name. However, many reporters fail to clearly link the two: to state that the individual referred to in their lead is the person named in their second paragraph, leaders are forced to guess, to make that assumption. They will usually – but not always – be right.

The problem is so common that it has been given a name: "leapfrogging." To avoid the problem, provide a one- or two-word transition from the lead to a name in the second paragraph:


1) LEAPFROGGING: A 55-year-old man wept Wednesday after a Circuit Court jury found him not guilty of burglary and sexual battery.

Gary Lee Phillips was arrested two months ago.

REVISED: A 55-year-old man wept Wednesday after a Circuit Court jury found him no guilty of burglary and sexual battery.

The defendant, Gary Lee Phillips, was arrested two months ago.


2) LEAPFROGGING: The Norfolk City Council has denied a former mayor's request for the annexation and re-zoning of 19 acres located along Highway 50.

E. E. "Sparky" Dawson threatened to sue the city.

REVISED: The Norfolk City Council has denied a former mayor's request for the annexation and re-zoning of 19 acres located along Highway 50.

The former mayor, E. E. "Sparky" Dawson, threatened to sue the city.

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