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Wind farms

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 541.

Wind power

The most common way of getting energy from the wind is through setting up 'wind farms'.


How they work:


· wind turbines generally have 3 blades and they rotate at 10-30 revolutions per minute

· the blades face into the wind, the wind forces them to go round, which then spins a shaft inside the turbine, which is connected to a generator which produces the electricity.



· electricity is produced in an environmentally friendly way: no chemical or radioactive emissions

· ground on which the turbines are positioned can still be used for agricultural purposes, e. g. as sheep grazing

· if the turbines need to be taken down, there is no damage to the environment and no residues are left behind



· ruin the landscape because they generally have to be positioned on hills to get the maximum benefits of the wind

· take up much more space to produce the same amount of energy as other methods such coal-fire powered stations

· can be costly to maintain

· the noise generated from wind turbines

· the turbines can cause some slight electromagnetic interference, which can cause interference with television signals and some communications equipment


The costs:

· electricity produced by this method is more expensive than that produced by other means

The future:


· The initial costs of setting these kinds of farms up is the main obstacle at the moment, but this could be an avenue to explore.

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