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Things Go Better With Coca-Cola

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 555.

Where is it made?






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Coca-Cola is enjoyed all over the world. It is a soft drink that it is sold in stores, restaurants, and vending machines. It is produced by the Coca-Company of Atlanta, Georgia, and is often called Coke.

Coca-Cola is over a hundred years old but its recipe remains a secret. The recipe is kept in a special security vault in a bank in the United States. Only a few people know the formula of Coca-Cola. The concentrate is made centrally, and then exported to more than 900 bottling plants all around the world. The plants are strictly controlled by the Coca-Cola Company.

So, how is the most widely recognized product in the world made?

The manufacture of Coca-Cola is carried out by a set of processes called continuous flow production. First, new and returned bottles are sorted into various sizes before they are cleaned. After that they are washed and rinsed. Each bottle is then passed through an electronic inspection.

After that, Coca-Cola syrup is mixed with water and carbon dioxide is added to it. The clean bottles are filled and passed to the capping machine. The filled bottles are then inspected again. Finally, the bottles are placed into crates. They are stored in a warehouse before they are transported to numerous stores.

Over 10 thousand soft drinks from the Coca-Cola Company are consumed every second of every day. If all the Coca-Cola bottles are laid end to end they would reach the moon and back more than 1,677 times. Probably that is why today Coca-Cola is the second most widely understood term in the world after “OK”.



Coca Cola [ˈkəʊkə ˈkəʊlə]

Atlanta [ətˌlæntə] – Атланта

Georgia [ˈdʒɔːdʒiə] – Джорджия

Coke [kəʊk] – Coca Cola

security vault [sɪˈkjʊərəti vɔːlt] – сейф, хранилище

carbon dioxide [ˈkɑːbən daɪˈɒksaɪd] – углекислый газ

capping machine [ˈkæpɪŋ məˈʃiːn] – машина для укупоривания колпачками



1. machine [məˈʃiːn] vending machine [vendɪŋ məˈʃiːn] Coca-Cola is often sold in vending machines. машина, автомат торговый автомат   Кока-Кола часто продается в торговых автоматах.
2. recipe[ˈresəpi] Coca-Cola recipe remains a secret. рецепт Рецепт Кока-Колы остается секретом.
3. formula[ˈfɔːmjələ] Only a few people know the formula of Coca-Cola. формула Всего несколько человек знают формулу Кока-Колы.
4. to be kept in smth It is kept in a bank. храниться в ч-л Она хранится в банке.
5. concentrate[ˈkɒnsənˌtreɪt] The concentrate for Coca-Cola is exported [ɪkˈspɔːtid] all around the world. пищевой концентрат Пищевой концентрат Кока-Колы экспортируется по всему миру.
6. to recognize[ˈrekəɡnaɪz] to be widely recognized How is the most widely recognized product in the world made? признавать иметь широкое признание Как изготавливается напиток, имеющий самое широкое признание в мире?
7. manufacture[ˌmænjʊˈfæktʃə] производство, изготовление
8. to carry out [ˈkæri aʊt] The manufacture of Coca-Cola is carried out in many parts of the world. осуществлять, выполнять Изготовление Кока-Колы осуществляется во многих частях света.
9. process[ˈprəʊses] a set of processes процесс набор процессов
10.production [prəˈdʌkʃn] flow [fləʊ] production continuous [kənˈtɪnjʊəs] flow production производство, изготовление поточное производство непрерывное поточное производство
11. inspection[ɪnˈspekʃn] electronic inspection to be passed through electronic inspection контроль, проверка электронный контроль проходить через электронный контроль
12. to inspect[ɪnˈspekt] Then the bottles are inspected again. осматривать, проверять Затем бутылки снова проверяют.
13. syrup [ˈsɪrəp] Coca-Cola syrup is mixed with water and carbon dioxide is added to it. сироп Сироп Кока-Колы смешивают с водой и добавляют к нему углекислый газ.
14. to fill[fɪl] The bottles are filled and passed to the capping machine. наполнять, заполнять Бутылки наполняют и отправляют на машину для укупоривания колпачками.
15. to place[pleɪs] The bottles are placed into crates. помещать, размещать Бутылки помещают в ящики.
16. to store[stɔː] The bottles are stored in a warehouse [ˈweəˌhaʊs]. хранить Бутылки хранятся на складе.
17. to transport[trænsˈpɔːt] The bottles are transported to numerous stores. перевозить, доставлять Бутылки доставляются во множество магазинов.
18. to consume [kənˈsjuːm] A lot of Coca-Cola is consumed in the USA. расходовать, потреблять В США потребляется большое количество Кока-Колы.
19. to reach [riːtʃ] reach the moon and back достигать достать до луны и обратно
20. term[tɜːm] Coca-Cola is a widely understood term. слово, термин Выражение Coca- Cola понимают всюду.



1. Answer the questions:


1. What is Coca-Cola? Where is it sold?

2. What company is it produced by?

3. How old is the product?

4. Where is the original recipe of Coca-Cola kept? Is the formula of Coca- Cola widely known?

5. Is the concentrate made by the bottling plants of Coca-Cola?

6. How is the manufacture of Coca-Cola carried out?

7. How are the bottles sorted before they are cleaned?

8. What is each bottle passed through?

9. What is the Coca-Cola syrup mixed with? What is added to it then?

10. What machine are the filled bottled passed through?

11. Where are the bottles placed? Where are they stored?

12. Why is Coca-Cola the second most widely understood term in the world?



1. Coca-Cola is enjoyed only in the USA today.

2. Coca-Cola is a strong drink that it is sold in stores, restaurants, and vending machines.

3. Coca-Cola is often called Coke.

4. The recipe of Coca-Cola is widely known all over the world.

5. The production of Coca-Cola is carried out by a set of processes.

6. Only new bottles are use in the production process.

7. Each bottle is checked electronically.

8. The syrup is mixed with water and oxygen is added to it.

9. People consume over 10 thousand soft drinks from the Coca-Cola Company every second of every day.

10. Coca-Cola is the first most widely understood term in the world.


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