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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 485.

Read the following information about sequence of addressing letters in the


USA and answer the questions below.


· Print the return address neatly in the upper left-hand corner of the envelope or


· Write the sender's name and/or the company's name on the first line.

· Add the sender's street address (include Ave., St. or Blvd., as well as apartment,

office or suite number) or post office (P.O.) box number on the second line.

· Include mail-stop numbers, for mail distribution within a large company, where an

apartment or suite number would appear on the second line.

· Print the city name followed by a comma, the two-letter state abbreviation and the ZIP code (five-digit or ZIP+4) on the third line.

· Include the country name, if necessary, in capital letters on the fourth line of the address.

· Print the mailing address (the destination address) in the center of the envelope or package, putting each element of the address in the same order as outlined in Steps 1 through 6 above.

· Use the ZIP+4 to help speed delivery of domestic mail

· Attach proper postage to the upper right-hand corner of the envelope, on the same side of the envelope as the destination address and return address.


1. How many lines are there in the address?

2. What information does a street address include?

3. How is the information about cities, states, countries provided?

4. Where is the sender's address located?

5. Where is the addressee's address located?

6. Where is postage attached?


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The following table shows examples of the different formats. Read the texts | Which name goes with which punctuation mark?
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