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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 396.



Work experience


Personal details

Name, home address, college address, phone number, email address, date of birth.

Do you have your own web homepage? Include it (if it's good!). If your name does not obviously show if you are male or female, include this!

Give places of education where you have studied - most recent education first. Include subject options taken in each year of your course. Include any special project, thesis, or dissertation work. Pre-college courses (high school, etc.) should then be included, including grades. Subjects taken and passed just before college will be of most interest. Earlier courses, taken at say age 15-16, may not need much detail.

List your most recent experience first. Give the name of your employer, job title, and very important, what you actually did and achieved in that job. Part-time work should be included.

They will be particularly interested in activities where you have leadership or responsibility, or which involve you in relating to others in a team.

Ability in other languages, computing experience, or possession of a driving licence should be included.

Usually give two names - one from your place of study, and one from any work situation you have had. Or if this does not apply, then an older family friend who has known you for some time. Make sure that referees are willing to give you a reference. Give their day and evening phone numbers if possible.


1. Does everyone have to get good the skills of résumé́ writing?

2. Is such personal information as race, religion, sex, age and marital status included into a CV? Why?

3. Is there one universal form of a CV?

4. What is the principal purpose of any CV?

5. What parts does a résumé́ usually have?

6. What is the order of listing the details of your education?

7. Do you include only the details of your college or university education?

8. What is important to include into the list of your job experiences?

9. What kind of personal interests should be included into your résumé?

10. How many references are required in a résumé?

11. How is it supposed to provide the references?

12. How does one ensure the availability of references?

13. Which of the two documents – a job application letter and a résumé – summarises the significant details or does the selling?

14. Are resumes signed?

15. Can one add a personal photo to a CV? What kind of photo must it be?


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Read the following text and answer the questions that follow. | Read the following extracts from a CV. Define the parts of the document they were taken from.
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