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Audiofile: 54_Australian.mp3

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 421.


Helen: university is a lot different from school - do you want to know about that - it's a little bit just - the holidays - because - university - now have holidays in semesters - whereas the schools still have them in terms - and schools are really trying to get their holidays in semesters - because that's what you work in - and it seems strange having term holidays when you're working in semesters - but at university we have - three - well it all depends on when your exams finish - there's you have two weeks of holidays - but - most exams - you have three weeks of exams - and then - say two weeks of holidays - but - not many people have exams - towards the end of those three weeks - most people will be finished with their exams within the first - what - at least two weeks - so you'll have probably at least three weeks' holiday - and you can go home as soon as you've finished your exams - and so - well I - I had over - I had three and a half weeks' holiday - this year - that was in the middle and - you really need the break - and we also have mid-semester holidays - which - this year - in the semester that I had the first semester before I came over here - it wasn't - it wasn't in the middle of semester it was - I suppose they shouldn't be really called mid-semester because it was just a week off - and the week was two weeks before we started swot-vac.

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