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Eight Bits equal to one byte

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 678.

Each binary digit is called a bit

A bottleneck is a step that takes a long time to complete, and thus reduces overall performance

Benchmarking software can identify slow points (bottlenecks) by testing the speeds of various components and listing areas where the computer is waiting for data, and what is keeping the data for arriving quickly

Benchmarking computers can compare these two vastly differing systems in a quantifiable way, giving the consumer the ability to purchase the machine that will perform as needed.

Testing your system performance, such as CPU, hard disk, CD/DVD ROM, and compare it with other systems.

b. How can consumers use benchmarks to help them purchase a computer system?

c. How do benchmarks help identify slow points (bottlenecks) in the system?

  1. Binary

a. Define bit.

b. Define byte.

c. Fill in the following chart, listing the prefixes used for the amount of bytes shown:

Amount Prefix
220 Mega
230 Giga
240 Tera


d. Fill in the following chart, converting binary numbers to decimal and decimal numbers to binary:
(Note: The numbers that appear in the table below will differ on an exam from the numbers that appear on the exam's review sheet.)

Binary Decimal
1 1011
1111 1100
11 0011
1010 0101


e. Although in sales literature 1000 bytes and 1024 bytes are both commonly referred to as a kilobyte, in computing the only correct number of bytes in a kilobyte is1024. Explain why 1024 is correct.

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Benchmarking is test on different configurations to determine the speed of components of computer | For instance, a consumer purchased a 40G hard disk , but the actual capacity of it is only about 37G .The reason is that the capacity of memory is the exponent of 2
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