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A high Hz can indicate that the IPS is high, but they are not directly proportional, but can never be inversely proportional

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 895.

IPS is a better determiner of computer performance.

IPS is instructions per second which is a rating of how many instructions can be executed by a processor in a given second.

Replace common sequence of character with a single codeword,or symbol that points to a dictionary of the original characters, or to the original occurrence of the word.

Compression reduces file size that makes more place on HDD

Reduction of the space required for storage by an algorithm which converts the data to a smaller number of bits while preserving the information content.

b. Describe a benefit of compression.

c. Describe dictionary-based compression.

d. Describe run-length encoding.

A kind of compression algorithm which replaces sequences ("runs") of consecutive repeated characters (or other units of data) with a single character and the length of the run.

e. Describe a benefit of lossy compression.

f. Name a file type that incorporates lossy compression.

Image type and music type

  1. Computer Speed

a. One Hz is one cycle per second.

b. Define IPS.

c. Answer the following questions on the relationship of Hz to IPS.

i. Which is a better determiner of speed: MHz or IPS?

ii. Does a high Hz equal a high IPS, and can they be inversely proportional? Explain.

iii. How is it possible for a machine with a lower clock speed (Hz) to have a higher IPS than a machine with a higher clock speed?

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For instance, a consumer purchased a 40G hard disk , but the actual capacity of it is only about 37G .The reason is that the capacity of memory is the exponent of 2 | Vectored images.
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