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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 482.

I. Прочтите правильные глаголы, обращая внимание на произношение окончания - ed:

stretched, bordered, represented, depended, consisted, included, differed, studied, visited, lived, served, worked, wanted, started, opened, closed, developed, settled, suppressed, inherited, appeared, gained, defeated, bequeathed, surrounded, revered, moved, showed, prayed, fasted, blessed, remained, painted, named, commissioned, symbolized, turned, treated, existed, used, replaced, completed, decorated, governed, seemed, cried, bowed, sobbed, moaned, applauded, healed, devoted, received, worshiped, venerated, changed, prescribed, dedicated, addressed, called, transformed, canonized, consecrated, sanctified, christened.

II. Прочтите и запомните форму прошедшего времени следующих неправильных глаголов:


to be – was, were to go – went
to leave –left to know – knew
to spend –spent to say – said
to come –came to sit – sat
to become –became to take – took
to get –got to make – made
to give –gave to keep – kept
to begin –began to lead – led
to see –saw to stand – stood
to speak –spoke to build – built
to have –had to do – did
to abide –abode to meet – met


III. Употребите следующие глаголы в форме прошедшего времени:

to depend, to work, to take, to come, to go, to study, to want, to have, to speak, to do, to be,
to border, to consist, to include, to begin, to make, to say, to live, to see, to build, to know,
to worship, to devote, to govern, to head, to use, to paint, to revive, to meet, to call, to venerate, to dedicate, to address, to consecrate, to abide, to christen, to baptize.


IV. Прочтите предложения и найдите в них глаголы в форме прошедшего неопределённого времени. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Saint Sergius was born in 1314 in a boyar family. 2. He had two brothers. 3. He went to school at the age of seven. 4. In 1328 the family went to Radonezh. 5. Some years later his parents entered the monastery. 6. When his parents died, he became a monk. 7. St. Sergius came to the Makovets hill with his elder brother Stephen. 8. The two brothers built a church and a cell there. 9. St. Sergius was young and strong. 10. By night he stood in his cell and prayed. 11. In the day time he worked in the garden, made boots for the monks and toys for small children. 12. Everybody loved him. 13. St. Sergius died on September 25, 1392. 14. His disciples founded 50 monasteries. 15. St. Sergius revived Russia spiritually.


V. Как бы Вы сказали, если бы действие происходило в прошлом:

1. The Priestleys are a family of six. 2. They are English. 3. They live in England. 4. They live not far from London in a small house. 5. Mr. Priestley is a teacher at the seminary. 6. He is a priest. 7. He has a wife and four children. 8. Tom and Henry are his sons. 9. Mary and Jane are his daughters. 10. Tom is five. 11. Henry studies at the seminary. 12. He is a novice.
13. Mary is a little child. 14. Jane is a student of the precentorial school. 15. They are Catholic.

VI. Ответьте на вопросы по-английски:

1. Was St. Sergius born in 1314 or in 1315? 2. Did he go to school at the age of 6 or 7? 3. Did he have one or two brothers? 4. Did his family go to Radonezh or Rostov in 1328? 5. Were his parents boyars or peasants? 6. Did he become a monk before or after his parents' death?
7. Did St. Sergius come to the Makovets hill alone or with his brother? 8. Was Sergius young or old at that time? 9. Did he and his brother build a church or a cell in the woods? 10. Did St. Sergius pray or sleep at night? 11. Did he die at the age of 76 or 78? 12. Did his disciples found 50 or more monasteries?



VII. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы:

1. Did you study at an institute? 2. Was English your favourite subject? 3. Did you speak English during the classes? 4. Did you study French? 5. Was your mother a student? 6. Did your father take part in the Great Patriotic War? 7. Were you born in Moscow? 8. Did you study at school well? 9. Did you have English classes last week? 10. Were you present at the last English lesson?



VIII. Переспросите по-английски:

Образец: My son was a student.

Was your son a student?

1. My brother was a monk. 2. My sisters were students. 3. My father was a clergyman. 4. My mother was a housekeeper. 5. My parents were in Jerusalem last year. 6. My friend was a priest in a parish church. 7. I was born in Russia. 8. I was a student. 9. My sisters were born in Moscow. 10. They were at home yesterday.


Образец: I studied at the University.

Did you study at the University?

1. We lived in Tula. 2. My parents had a large family. 3. My brother decided to become a priest. 4. He went to Moscow. 5. He became a student of the Moscow Theological School. 6. He had many friends there. 7. My brother studied well. 8. He graduated from the seminary last year. 9. He had English classes twice a week. 10. My brother knew Greek well.


1. Our family was large. 2. We lived in Voronezh. 3. We had a good flat there. 4. My father served in а parish church. 5. My father was a priest. 6. He took part in the Afghan War. 7. We came to Voronezh in 1980. 8. My brother became a precentor. 9. He had many friends. 10. They had English classes twice a week. 11. My brother knew English very well. 12. The classes began at 9 o'clock in the morning.

IX. Прослушайте запись упражнения и спросите по-английски. Проверьте себя по ключу:

1. Вы были пономарём (sexton)? ______________________________________________

2. Вы учились в духовной семинарии? ________________________________________

3. У вас было много друзей? _________________________________________________

4. Вы изучали много предметов? ______________________________________________

5. Английский язык был вашим любимым предметом? ___________________________


6. Вы стали священником?_______ ____________________________________________

7. Вы служили в православном храме? _________________________________________

8. Ваши родители были инженерами? _________________________________________

9. У вас были уроки каждый день? ____________________________________________

10. Ваши уроки начинались в 9 часов утра? ______________________________________

11. Вы ходили вчера в храм? __________________________________________________

12. Вы изучали богословие?___________________________________________________


X. Выразите несогласие со следующими утверждениями:

Образец: You werein Moscow yesterday.

I wasn'tin Moscow yesterday.

1. Your father was a Protestant. 2. You were a novice last year. 3. Your friends were all monks. 4. Your mother was a teacher of Theology. 5. You were a student of the seminary two years ago. 6. Your parents were Catholics. 7. Your family was Anglican. 8. Your friend was born in Hawaii.


Образец: You studied at the Moscow Theological Academy three years ago.

I didn't study at the Moscow Theological Academy three years ago.

1. You became a student of the seminary eight years ago. 2. Your father took part in the Great Patriotic War. 3. Your parents attended the Catholic Church. 4. Your mother taught theology. 5. You wanted to become an actor. 6. You had English classes on Sundays. 7. Your parents visited the Holy Land last year. 8. You spoke German at the English lesson.


1. Your parents had fifteen children. 2. You were the thirteenth child in the family. 3. Your father was а Catholic. 4. You studied at the theological faculty of the University in Berlin.
5. You had a 6-room flat. 6. Your mother was a teacher of Theology. 7. You visited Jerusalem many times. 8. Your family lived in London last year. 9. You went to the Anglican Church two years ago. 10. You became a priest seven years ago.


XI. Ответьте на вопросы по-английски:


1. When did you get up on Sunday? 2. When did you attend the church service on Monday?
3. When were you born? 4. When were you at home yesterday? 5. When did you see your parents? 6. When was your family in the south? 7. When did your parents come to see you? 8. When did you visit your relatives (родственники)? 9. When did you have English classes last week? 10. When did you enter the seminary?


1. Where did you go on Sunday? 2. Where were your friends on Saturday? 3. Where did you see your friend? 4. Where did you live three years ago? 5. Where were you born? 6. Where did your friend study? 7. Where did you study English? 8. Where did you meet your friend the day before yesterday? 9. Where did you go last summer? 10. Where did you study before the seminary?

XII. Спросите по-английски о времени или месте совершения действия:

Образец: I served in а parish church 5 years ago.

When did you serve in а parish church?

Where did you serve 5 years ago?

1. I lived in Moscow. 2. I studied at the University. 3. The classes began at 9 a.m. 4. After the classes I went to the library. 5. I was at home in the evening. 6. I had free time only on
Sundays. 7. I worked at the Moscow Theological Academy. 8. I visited my friends on weekends. 9. My brother was a student four years ago. 10. Last year he entered the Moscow Theological Seminary.

XIII. Прослушайте запись упражнения и спросите по-английски. Проверьте себя по ключу:

1. Когда Вы стали студентом? _________________________________________________

2. Где Вы учились? __________________________________________________________

3. Где Вы жили? ____________________________________________________________

4. Когда Вы пошли в школу? __________________________________________________

5. Где Вы были вчера вечером? ________________________________________________

6. Когда у Вас было свободное время? __________________________________________

7. Где работал Ваш отец? _____________________________________________________

8. Когда Вы приехали в Сергиев Посад? ________________________________________

9. Где Вы изучали английский язык? ___________________________________________

10. Когда Вы навещали своих родителей? _______________________________________

11. Куда Вы ездили прошлым летом? ___________________________________________

12. Когда Вы видели своих родителей? _________________________________________


XIV. Спросите, о ком идёт речь в следующих высказываниях:

Образец: We studied English.

Who studied English?

1. My aunt lived in Minsk. 2. Her husband was a priest. 3. He took part in the Great Patriotic war. 4. My aunt was a teacher. 5. She worked at a secondary school. 6. She had many English books. 7. She taught English. 8. My aunt knew English very well. 9. All the members of her family were Orthodox believers. 10. Her sons became clergymen.


XV. Прослушайте запись упражнения и спросите по-английски. Проверьте себя по ключу:

1. Кто жил в Москве? ________________________________________________________

2. Кто преподавал богословие? ________________________________________________

3. Кто принимал участие в Великой Отечественной войне? ________________________


4. Кто стал священнослужителем? _____________________________________________

5. Кто учился в духовной семинарии? __________________________________________

6. У кого было много друзей? _________________________________________________

7. Кто хорошо знал английский язык? __________________________________________

8. Кто хорошо говорил по-немецки? ____________________________________________

9. Кто ездил в Иерусалим? ____________________________________________________

10. Кто был вчера в Москве? __________________________________________________

XVI. Замените выделенные слова и словосочетания соответствующими личными местоимениями:

a) 1. Ivan Sidorov was my friend. 2. My friend had a family. 3. His family was not large.
4. His wife was a teacher of Church Slavonic. 5. The Sidorovshad a good flat. 6. His family lived in Saint Petersburg. 7. St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia.
8. Sidorov and his family often came to Moscow. 9. Ivan's sister Lena studied at the Moscow Theological Institute.


b) 1. I had a friend. I saw my friend every day. 2. My friends had many books. They read books in the evening. 3. We went to the theatre. We went to the theatre in the evening. 4. My sister was at the institute. I met my sister not far from the institute. 5. We crossed the street. We crossed the street very quickly. 6. My mother lived in Tula. I visited my mother every month. 7. My father knew German. He spoke German very well. 8. My brother lived in Moscow. I saw my brother very often. 9. I had two small brothers. I broughtmy brothers to the kindergarten every morning.

XVII. Замените личные местоимения соответствующими притяжательными:

1. (I) brother is 29 years old. 2. (He) friends were students. 3. (We) parents lived in Tver.
4. (She) children were small. 5. (They) wives worked at school. 6. (You) book was very interesting. 7. This is our seminary. (It) main building is not very large. 8. (We) seminary is well-known.


XVIII. Вставьте местоимения many, much, a lot of, little, a little, few, a few:

1. My friend has ______ free time today and can't go to Moscow. 2. Our inspector works ______ every day. 3. We have ______ friends in Moscow. 4. How ______ sisters do you have? 5. How ______ do you work in the evening? 6. I usually work ______ in the morning but in the evening I work ______ . 7. This student knows ______ English words but only ______ German words. 8. ______ people want to see this place. 9. I don't drink ______ wine. 10. It's no use asking him about it. He has ______ knowledge of the subject. 11. He drank ______ water and felt much better. 12. How ______ sheets of paper do you want? 13. Hurry up! You haven't got ______ time. 14. ______ people understood what he said. 15. Did you pay ______ money for your watch? 16. How ______ does it cost? 17. How ______ time does it take to go there? 18. How ______ times did you do the exercises? 19. May I have ______ wine, please? 20. Hurry up! We have very ______ time.

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