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У П Р А Ж Н Е Н И ЯDate: 2015-10-07; view: 389. I. Назовите русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний: to be born, to be born in a town (in a village, into a family of a worker, of a clergyman, of a prince, of a boyar); to spend, to spend one's childhood (all the life, many years, much time); to bring, to bring up, to bring up an outstanding devotee (a child, a son, disciples, a daughter); to become, to become a priest (a devotee, a pilgrim, an elder, a parent, an example);to take, to take an active part, to take part in the Divine Liturgy, to take monastic vows; to found, to found a cloister (a monastery, a chapel, a fraternity); to follow, to follow commandments of God (Jesus Christ, the strict rules); to consecrate (a chapel, a church, a cathedral), consecration; to bless; to give, to give a blessing for smth. (a battle, an ordination); to live, to live in obedience (under the guidance, to live the life of a hermit, in solitude, according to the Gospel); to elect, to be elected the Father Superior of the cloister (the Patriarch of all Russia, the Metropolitan of Moscow, the monastic Father Superior); to join, to join fraternity (community, brotherhood); to paint, to paint frescoes (an icon, a picture); to enter, to enter a seminary (a cloister, an academy, an abode); to prefer, to prefer solitude (purity of soul, salvation).
II. Назовите английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний: родиться, родиться в большом городе (в деревне, в семье священника, в семье боярина; проводить, проводить детство (юные годы, много лет, всю жизнь); становиться, стать дьяконом (отшельником, иноком, игуменом, основателем монастыря); строить, строить храм (собор, часовню, скит, малую церковь); воспитать, воспитать сына и дочь (учеников, выдающегося подвижника, духовных чад); дать благословение на битву (создание храма, основание монастыря); рукополагать в священный сан (дьякона, священника, митрополита); жить, жить в послушании (под руководством, жизнью отшельника, согласно Евангелию); причислять к лику святых; избирать, избирать настоятелем обители (патриархом, игуменом); поступать, поступать в семинарию
III. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию из текста «From St. Sergius of Radonezh Life Story»: 1. When and where was St. Sergius born? 2. Was he born in a town or in a village? 3. What family was he born into? 4. Did he spend his childhood in Rostov? 5. Did he have three brothers? 6. How many brothers did he have? 7. What was his name before consecration? 8. When did he enter school? 9. Where did his parents live at that time? 10. Did Bartholomew study well? 11. How did he learn to read and write well? 12. When did his parents move to Radonezh? 13. Where is Radonezh situated? 14. When did his parents die? 15. Where were they buried? 16. Were his brothers married? 17. When did Bartholomew take monastic vows? 18. What did Bartholomew's elder brother Stephen do at that time? 19. When and where did St.Sergius found a cloister? 20. Did he come to the Makovets hill alone? 21. What were his ascetic feats? 22. When did St. Sergius become the monastic Father Superior? 23. How did Paul Florensky call Reverend Sergius? 24. When did Venerable Sergius die? 25. When was he canonized? 26. Where do his non-decayed relics repose?
IV. Как бы Вы сказали, если бы действие происходило в прошлом: 1. My brother lives in Samara. 2. He is a student of the theological seminary. 3. He studies many subjects at the seminary. 4. He has many friends. 5. His best friend is a subdeacon.
V. Переспросите по-английски: 1. St. Sergius was the founder of the Holy Trinity monastery. 2. He was born in 1314. 3. His father was a boyar. 4. He was born in the village of Varnitsy. 5. His name was Bartholomew before consecration. 6. His parents were servants of God. 7. His brothers were married. *** 1. Venerable Nestor, the Chronicler (Летописец), lived and worked in the XI-XIIth centuries. 2. Venerable Nestor came to Kievo-Pecherskiy monastery in 1073. 3. In the monastery, he took monastic vows. 4. He became a deacon. 5. Nestor's main work of penance (послушание) was writing. 6. His Chronicles began from ancient times. 7. He finished his work in 1112. 8. Venerable Nestor died in 1114. 9. Venerable Nestor recorded hagiography of Saint Princes Boris and Gleb. 10. He also wrote hagiography of Venerable Theodosius.
*** 1. Reverend Triphon of Vyatka was a son of a rich peasant (крестьянин). 2. He entered the monastery at the age of 22. 3. There he took monastic vows and assumed the name of Triphon. 4. For his ascetic feats Venerable Triphon got the gift of wondermaking. 5. Many pilgrims came to him. 6. But he hated popularity and fame. 7. So, he secretly left the monastery. 8. He came to Vyatka and founded a monastery there. 9. The monastery was founded in honour of Dormition of the Most Pure Theotokos. 10. Reverend Triphon was the first monastic Father Superior. 11. Venerable Triphon converted pagans (язычники) to Christianity. 12. He died in 1612.
VI. Прослушайте запись упражнения и спросите по-английски. Проверьте себя по ключу:
1. Авраамий Ростовский родился в конце 10 века? ________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Его родители были язычниками (pagans)? _____________________________________ 3. Он крестился в 35 лет или в детстве? _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Много ли он странствовал (to travel)?_________________________________________ 5. Посещал ли он Новгород? __________________________________________________ 6. Принял ли он монашеский постриг? __________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. Жил ли он на берегу озера Неро в Ростове? ____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. Основал ли он Богоявленский (Theophany) монастырь? _________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. Был ли он примером для братии монастыря? __________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 10. Много ли потрудился Авраамий для просвещения (enlightenment) Ростовского края? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
VII. Спросите о месте или времени совершения действия: Образец: My brother was born in 1950 in Kiev. Where was your brother born? оr When was your brother born? 1. Venerable Sergius of Nurom was born in Greece. 2. He came to Russia when he heard about St. Sergius of Radonezh. 3. Before he became St. Sergius' disciple he practiced on the Holy Mount of Athos. 4. He lived in the cloister for some time. 5. With St. Sergius' blessing he went to the north to live the life of a hermit. 6. He settled on the Nurma river. 7. Venerable Sergius practiced not far from the place of feats of St. Sergius' of Radonezh disciple - Paul Obnorskiy. 8. Venerable Sergius died in 1412. 9. Before his death St. Sergius foresaw the foundation of the Holy Trinity Obnorsk Monastery. 10. Paul Obnorskiy and Sergius of Nurom had spiritual kinship (дух. родство) and practiced not far from each other. VIII. Прослушайте запись упражнения и спросите по-английски. Проверьте себя по ключу: 1. Когда Вы родились? _____________________________________________________ 2. Где Вы родились? _______________________________________________________ 3. В какой семье Вы родились? ______________________________________________ 4. Где Вы провели детство? _________________________________________________ 5. Где работали Ваши родители? _____________________________________________ 6. Когда Вы пошли в школу? ________________________________________________ 7. Когда Вы закончили школу? _______________________________________________ 8. Где Вы учились после окончания средней школы? ____________________________ 9. Когда Вы поступили в семинарию? _________________________________________ 10. Где Вас рукополагали? ___________________________________________________ 11. Когда Вы стали священником? _____________________________________________ 12. В каком храме (где?) Вы служили? _________________________________________ 13. Когда Вы женились? _____________________________________________________ 14. Когда Вы пришли в скит? _________________________________________________ 15. Когда Вы приняли монашеский постриг? ____________________________________
IX. Спросите, о ком идёт речь в следующих высказываниях: Образец: St. Xenia of St. Petersburg was Fool-for Christ (Христа ради юродивая). Who was Fool-for Christ?
1. Blessed Xenia was the wife of a young colonel. 2. Her husband died at a drinking party in St. Peterburg. 3. He didn't prepare for his death. 4. Xenia gave away all her possessions after his death. 5. She left the world. 6. Xenia was out of St. Petersburg for eight years. 7. When she returned she put on her husband's uniform. 8. She assumed the name of Andrew Theodorovich and began her struggle as a Fool-for Christ. 9. She wandered (бродить) along the streets. 10. Many people laughed at her. 11. Some people had pity (жалеть) on her and gave her alms (милостыня). 12. Xenia always gave the money to the poor. 13. Xenia had the gifts of prophecy (пророчество) and clairvoyance (ясновидение). 14. She reached sanctity (святость) through her much-suffering labours and prayers.