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Match the words to make word partnerships. Explain their meaning.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 886.

Choose the best collocation/ expression from Ex.3 to complete the sentences

Match words and phrases from the two columns to make typical collocations.

Which of the statements are true about the article? Correct the false ones.

2. It was invention of the new technology that destroyed Kodak's business.

3. Kodak was famous for its localization policy.

4. Kodak did not see the change coming in its business.

5. Kodak's organizational culture helped the company survive.

6. Pre-emptive actions are hardly typical of corporate Japan.

7. It is possible to use the old tactics when a completely new technology appears.


3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements :

1. Companies, unlike people, can live for ever.

2. International mergers often fail.

3. Successful companies recognize the need to be adaptable to changes.

1. cut-throat a) or swim

2. rat b) line

3. sink c) competition

4. bottom d) race

1. When the rivalry between different companies is very fierce, we talk about…… .

2. The final profit or loss of a company is often referred to as “the ….. “.

3. In a company where you are not given much help learning your job, the situation is often called “…..” .

4. When the workers compete with each other in a very stressful way to get to the top of their companies or professions, we say they are part of the ….. .

1. pioneering a) example

2. picture-perfect b) property

3. acquisition c) technology

4. home d) forecast

5. one-company e) spree

6. three-pronged f) market

7. intellectual g) town

8. consensus h) strategy


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