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No luggage compartments

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 621.

When we had been waiting about 15 minutes there was a deuce of a row at the head of the queue. It was due to the fact that two ordinary buses without luggage compartments had been put on, and Blackburn passengers had — quite rightly — refused to board them.

We failed to get on the Blackburn coach, and were left among an assortment of passengers for different towns in East Lancash­ire who were all ushered into one vehicle. The coach seemed to visit every town in the district before arriving at Burnley, where we.had to change coaches for the last few miles to Blackburn. There we arrived feeling utterly fed up and wondering if we had case for claiming our money back. The next time I book with a coach firm I shall certainly ask about the type of vehicle I shall be expected to travel in.

Passengers save for 50 weeks for their annual holiday and they expect something a little better than what they get in their ev­eryday lives.

(by J. Wilkins)

Comprehension questions:

1. How long did the journey take?

2. Where did they run into trouble?

3. Why did they step out of the ranks?

4. Where did the man carrying a fistful of papers pile their bags into?

5. Why did they sheepishly get out?

6. Why did they stand at the head of the queue, feeling very foolish?

7. What did they have for lunch?

8. When did he find out he had been charged for 3 full meals?

9. Where did the author decide to take the bags in the morn­ing?


10. What did the gilt letters on the office window stand for?

11. Why did other travellers come out with a bemused look on their faces?

12. What did the inspector mutter when he saw their tickets?

13. Why were his words all double talk to the author?

14. What sign was there at the head of the queue behind the wall?

15. How much time had they been waiting there?

16. What fact was it due to?

17. Did they manage to get on the Blackburn coach?

18. Did the coach go direct to Blackburn?

19. What thoughts did they arrive there with?

20. What do people expect from their annual holiday?

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