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B. 3. Translate the sentences

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 350.


1. Will he stillbe here when I get back. 2. The resistance of metal to deformation is due to the forces acting between the atoms. ? 3. Is your brother still here? 4. The energy due to friction is unlimited. 5. He achieved these results due to his hard work. 6. The access to the mountain was difficult due to the great amount of snow. 7. The colour of water is due to the presence of different materials.

C. 1. Read the text FACTORS IN ACCIDENT CAUSATION and answer the questions:

1. What do the primary causes of an injury resulting circumstances center upon?

2. Why do many fatal and injury-resulting situations occur?

3. What may envirommental factors contribute to?


Human Factors. Often the primary causes of an injury resulting circumstances center upon the individual or human factors. Very often the degree of individual skill involved in operating the machine, equipment or vehicle is a major consideration. Failure to operate within one's motor skill limits can cause a serious injury-producing situation to occur. The more experience the employee has in operating a complex piece of machinery, the more skillful will be the performance and the less likely it is that an injury will occur. This principle is true of most skills involving physical motor activities.

The presence of a positive attitude regarding safety is another factor impacting injury-resulting situations. For many people safety and injury prevention basically focuses on adhering to certain rules and regulations. All the regulations and rules that one can list are of little value if one's attitudes regarding adherence to them are negative.

Motivating the general public, particularly young people, to develop positive attitudes toward safety practices is not always easy.

Many substances have detrimental effects upon the physical performance of an individual. Most commonly considered is the effect of abuse substances of alcohol and drugs. Statistics points out that as many as one-half of all motor vehicle fatalities, along with hundreds of hours of lost work time and numerous other injury-related losses, involve alcohol use and intoxication. Inattention to tasks such as operation and use of industrial equipment for as brief a time as a single second may create conditions that lead to serious injury or fatality.

Mechanical factors.Not all injury-producing circumstances are the sole result of human failure. Many fatal and injury-resulting situations occur from some kind of mechanical failure. Mechanical failure can lead to tragedies causing hundreds of deaths, as when there is an engine failure in an airplane.

As careful and precise as manufacturers of products try to be, there is always the possibility of mechanical failure. There are many measures that can be taken to reduce risk due to such failures. Improved engineering, manufacturing and quality control strategies can reduce the possibility of mechanical failure. Also, regular maintenance of engines and mechanical parts that involve movement and friction or wear must be considered a major preventive measure that will help to reduce the risk of unintentional injury events.

Environmental factors.Whatever the size of the workplace and location of employment, a safe work environment is important. Daily, individuals are exposed to many situations that can be dangerous to the personal safety and well-being of the employee. One's well-being, both personal and economic, is impacted by how safe a person is from injury associated with the workplace.

Innumerable factors in our surroundings, so-called environmental factors, may contribute to unintentional injury events. In the case of motor vehicle operation, the roadway conditions are of principal concern. Within the workplace there are many conditions that may be primary causes of injury. The presence and proximity of high-speed equipment that is used daily at the factory may create an environment conductive to injury, and possible fatality. In any given uninterntional injury event there are a number of factors associated with environment that can be investigated. Around any building – a home, office, school, or public building – various construction features of the structure could be the cause of injury.

Many measures may be employed to reduce the hazardous nature of a given environment.


D. 1. Prove the following statements:

Often the primary causes of an injury resulting circumstances center upon the individual or human factors.

Many fatal and injury-resulting situations occur from some kind of mechanical failure.

Environmental factors may contribute to unintentional injury events.


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