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Home Random lecture


Date: 2015-10-07; view: 381.

Topic 1

Lead in

a) Take a walk about an Electric House and highlight the appliances and devices from the list.

b) Tick the objects used on board a vessel.



⎕ vacuum cleaner ⎕ electrical kettle ⎕ toaster ⎕ refrigerator/fridge ⎕ iron ⎕ air conditioner ⎕ notebook ⎕ fax (machine) telephone microwave oven washing machine coffee maker mincing machine/meat grinder mixer electric drill monitor printer desk lamp spotlight wall lamp fan/ventilator blender mobile phone remote control


1. In pairs, brainstorm as many things that take electricity as you can and discuss the questions:

1) How much do people depend on electricity?

2) How different will our home function without electricity?

3) What electrical devices do youusually use every day?

4) How long can you live without electricity?

5) Is a vessel viable without electricity? Why?



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