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I. Произнесите вопросительные высказывания с высоким и низким восходящим тоном.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 360.



1. ˈIs that ˊhis car?

2. ˈAre they ˊFrench?

3. ˈCan I ˏsee it?

4. ˈIs it ˊLincoln Street?

5. ˈAre they ˏhappy together?

6. ˈIs Mary in ˏhospital?

7. ˈIs his ˈfamily in ˏItaly?

8. ˈIs their ˈdaughter a ˊdoctor?

9. ˈHas he ˈgot a ˏdog? ˈIs it ˏsmall?

10. ˈIs this ˈcar ˏfast enough?

11. ˈIs Kate's ˈhusband an ˏactor? ˏReally?

12. ˈHas Betty ˈgot a ˊcousin?

13. ˈHas Mike ˈgot a ˊcamera?

14. ˈIs this ˈdentist ˏfamous?

15. ˈAre Ann's ˈkids in the ˊcountry?



II. Произнесите специальные вопросы. Соблюдайте высокий уровень голоса на вопросительном слове и высокий начальный уровень падения на последнем ударном слоге.

1. ˈWhat is ˋBen?

2. ˈWhat is ˋthat?

3. ˈWhere is my ˋbag?

4. ˈWhere is the ˋbank?

5. ˈWhere is the ˋhospital?

6. ˈWhere is his ˋcar?

7. ˈWhy is Betsy ˋsad?

8. ˈWhere are my ˋkeys?

9. ˈWhere are their ˋparents?

10. ˈWhat is ˋon toˌday?

11. ˈWhen is ˈMike's ˋbirthday?

12. ˈWhat is ˈthere in that ˋbox ?

13. ˈWhat is ˈAnn's ˈfavourite ˋbook?

14. ˈWhy has ˈMonica got ˈfive ˋdogs?

15. ˈWhere is ˈKate's ˋpenfriend from?



III. Произнесите альтернативные вопросы. Соблюдайте разделение фразы на две интонационные группы, противопоставленные по терминальному тону: в первой группе – восходящий тон, во второй – нисходящий тон.

1. ˈIs he in ˊParis | or ˋLondon?

2. ˈAre there ˊfive | or ˋsix ˌcinemas in the ˌcity?

3. ˈIs the ˈweather ˊdry | or ˋwet toˌday?

4. ˈIs Sara's ˈhusband a ˏbusinessman | or a ˋdoctor?

5. ˈIs their ˈrestaurant ˏbig | or ˋsmall?

6. ˈHas Mike ˈgot an ˊAudi | or a Merˋcedes?

7. ˈHave they ˈgot a ˏdaughter | or a ˋson?

8. Is ˈEaton in ´England | or ˋScotland?

9. ˈIs there a ˈcup of ˊtea | or a ˈcup of ˋcoffee on the ˌtable?

10. ˈAre the ˈbiscuits on the ˊplate | or in the ˋbox?

11. ˈIs Megan's ˈfavourite ˈdress ˏgreen | or ˋgrey?

12. ˈIs his ˈfriend a ˊhockey | or a ˋtennis player?

13. 'Is Ben ˊ12 | or ˋ13?

14. ˈAre they ˈfree on ˊMondays | or ˋWednesdays?

15. ˈ Is this ˏhis camera | or ˋhers?

IV. Прочитайте по разметке разделительные вопросы. Определите, какие вопросы выражают истинный запрос об информации, а какие вопросы служат для поддержания разговора.

1. It's a ˈsunny ˋday to ˌday, | ˋisn't it?

2. ˈKate's ˈparents are ˋdoctors,| ˊaren't they?

3. ˈBen is ˈyounger than ˋMike, | ˊisn't he?

4. ˈNick is in Auˋstralia, | ˊ isn't he?

5. It's in the ˋcupboard, | ˊisn't it?

6. This ˈfilm is rather ˋdull, | ˋisn't it?

7. ˈ Minsk is a ˈnice ˋcity, | ˋisn't it?

8. This ˈbread isn't ˋstale, | ˊ is it? I'm aˈfraid it ˋis.

9.This ˈgirl is very ˋpretty, | ˋisn't she?

10. He ˈisn't really ˋhappy, | ˊis he?

11. It's ˈnasty ˋweather, | ˋ isn't it? Yes, it is.

12. They have ˈgot the ˋtickets, | ˊhaven't they?

13. He ˈcan't really ˋhelp it, | ˋcan he?

14. It's ˋhot today, | ˋisn't it?

15. The ˈcinema is right ˋthere, | ˊisn't it?

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