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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 400.


I. Составьте предложения по образцу. Используйте предложенные словосочетания.

Example. This is a black cat. – These are black cats.


A nice lady, a busy nurse, a famous artist, a red apple, a lovely day, a funny cat, a happy wife, a busy street, a clean hand, a fast bus, a bad doctor, an easy test, a nice party, a green car, Ann's sister, my friend, his camera.


II. Сделайте предложения вопросительными.

Example. This is a green pen. – Is this a green pen?


1. This is Ben's niece.

2. That is a lazy boy.

3. That is my car.

4. This is a happy girl.

5. This is a neat nurse.

6. That is a clean flat.

7. This is Ted's sister.

8. These are red apples.

9. These are his parents.

10. This is her husband.

11. That is David's bag.

12. These are busy men.

13. This is Kate's bike.

14. That is a small hospital.

15. These are Bill's friends.

16. This is a funny cat.



III. Измените предложения, употребив указательные местоимения в функции определения.

Example. This is a busy man. – This man is busy.


1. That is a deep sea.

2. These are lovely girls.

3. This is a bad dentist.

4. That is a fast car.

5. This is a busy shop assistant.

6. These are black hats.

7. That is a red taxi.

8. These are nice boys.

9. This is an expensive flat.

10.These are hot hamburgers.

11.That is her bike.

12.This is a small table.

13.That is a white dog.

14.That is a big cake.

15.This is an easy test.

16.These are famous actors.



IV. Запишите числительные в два столбика, подбирая числа к словам.


Twelve 23 thirty-seven eighteen 36 seventy-nine twenty-eight 16 twenty-one 51 25 fifteen 13 nineteen ninety-eight 12 18 twenty-nine forty-eight 15 thirty 86 11 twenty sixty-four 27 seventeen fifty-one 20 eighty-six fourteen 26 sixteen 21 29 79 twenty-seven fifty-five 14 twenty-three 98 24 thirty-six 64 17 twenty-four 48 28 eleven twenty-five 19 37 twenty-six 30 55 thirteen


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Have/has got | B. Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.
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