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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 371.

Интонация незаконченных частей высказывания


Незаконченные части высказывания, в частности, перечисления, развернутые обстоятельства места и времени, стоящие в начале предложения, обычно произносятся с низким восходящим кинетическим тоном, так как основное значение, которое выражает этот тон – незаконченность, незавершенность.

e.g. There is a ˈthree- star hoˏtel, a ˏtheatre, ˈtwo ˏcinemas and some `shops in this town. In ˈfront of the ˏhouse there is a ˈbig `garden.


I. Прочтите следующие предложения по интонационной разметке.


a) 1. There is a ˏtable and a ˋsofa in my room.

2. ˈBetsy speaks ˏEnglish and ˋFrench.

3. There are ˏjeans and ˋsweaters at the deˌpartment.

4. There is some ˏcheese and ˋchocolate on the ˌtable.

5. ˈBen plays ˏtennis and ˋfootball.

6. ˈPolly needs ˏhoney and ˋfruit for her ˌcake.

7. ˈMary likes ˏroses and ˋtulips.


b) 1. We ˈstudy ˏEnglish, ˏGerman, ˏFrench and ˋLatin at the Uniˌversity.

2. ˈKate has a ˏdog, a ˏparrot, a ˏrabbit and a little ˋkitten.

3. I'm ˈfree on ˏMonday, ˏTuesday, ˏWednesday and ˋFriday.

4. There is a comˏputer, a TˏV-set, a CˏD player and a ˋbookcase in Mike's


5. ˈBob is very ˋsporty. He ˈplays ˏhockey, ˏfootball, ˏtennis, ˏsquash and


6. ˈMonica can ˈspeak ˏEnglish, ˏPolish, a ˈlittle bit Iˏtalian and ˈeven


7. You can ˈbuy ˏbread, ˏmilk, ˏcheese, ˏbutter, ˏmeat and ˈmany ˈother

ˋthings in that ˌsupermarket.


c) 1. There is a ˈbig round ˏtable, ˈfour ˏchairs, a ˈlarge TˏV-set and a ˈPersian

ˋcarpet in my ˌdining-room.

2. ˈMike has a ˈlittle ˏtorch, a ˈbox of ˏmatches, ˈtwo used ˏtickets, some

ˏchocolates, a ˈcouple of ˏnails and a ˋstring in his ˌpockets.

3. There is a ˈhuge ˏdictionary, some ˏbooks, a ˈfew ˏexercise-books and a

ˋpen on the ˌdesk.

4. ˈBetsy usually ˈmakes some ˈvegetable ˏsalads, ˈfish ˏsandwiches, ˈroasted

ˏmeat and a deˈlicious ˋapple-pie for her ˌguests.

5. There is a ˈbig ancient ˏclock, ˈtwo ˏcandlesticks, some ˏphotographs and

a Chiˈnese ˋvase on the ˌmantelpiece.

6. There is a ˈhuge mug of ˏcoffee, a ˈbig bar of ˏchocolate and some ˋnuts

for ˌHarry. He is ˈvery ˋ tired .

7.ˈPeter usually has a ˈdark ˏsuit, a ˈwhite ˏshirt, a ˏtie and a ˈpair of ˈblack

ˋshoes ˌon at his ˌworking place.

8.There are ˈtwo cartons of ˏmilk, a ˈdozen ˏeggs, a ˈsmall piece of

ˏcheese and some ˋapples in the ˌfridge.


d) 1. ˈEvery ˈSunday afterˏnoon they ˈgo and ˈsee their ˋgranny.

2. Inˈ front of the ˏhouse there is a ˈbig ˋlawn.

3. In the ˈmiddle of the ˏdining-room there is a ˈbig round ˋtable.

4. On the ˈground ˏfloor there is a ˏliving- room, a ˏdining-room and a


5. ˈEvery other ˏday we ˈplay ˋtennis.

6. Near the hoˏtel there is a ˈhuge ˋsupermarket.

7. On ˈSaturday ˏevenings ˈNick and ˈMary usually ˈgo to the ˋcinema.

8. In theˈ centre of the ˏcity there are ˈtwo ˈfamous ˋmonuments.

9. ˈEarly in the ˏmorning ˈKate likes to ˈdrink ˈstrong ˋcoffee.

10. In the ˈcentre of theˏ mantelpiece there is a ˈbig ˈSwiss ˋclock.

11. ˈNext to the ˏclock there is a ˈphotograph of ˈJack's ˋfamily.



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