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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 377.

III. Ïðî÷òèòå ìèêðîäèàëîãè. Ñðàâíèòå èíòîíàöèþ ðàçãîâîðíûõ ôîðìóë. Îáðàòèòå âíèìàíèå, ÷òî îíè ðàçëè÷àþòñÿ ïî ñòåïåíè îôèöèàëüíîñòè è ëè÷íîé çàèíòåðåñîâàííîñòè ãîâîðÿùåãî.

1. Let me introduce your new teacher, Mrs. Black.

ˈHow do you ˋdo? – ˈHow do you ˋdo?

2. Håˏllo, Monica. – ˏMorning, Linda. Is Mrs. White in? Here are the papers for her.

3. Håˋllo, ˏPeter. How are you getting on? – Oh, much ˋbetter, ˏthank you.

4. Here are some roses for you, honey. – Oh, ˋthank you, ˏdear. It's so ˋnice of you.

5. You can take ˋmy dictionary. – ˈThank you very ˋmuch.

6. ˈHere is your ˏcoffee. – ˏThanks.

7. I'm flying to Paris on Friday. – ̅Good-ˏbye, then. Have a good ˋtime.

8. When are you off? – I'm catching a 12.35 train. – Bye-ˇbye then and reˋmember me to your ˏparents.

9. Who's that girl? – ˊPardon? – I'm asking you about that girl over there.

10. Exˇcuse me, ˈcan you ˈturn the ˈradio ˊdown? – Oh, ˋyes, I'm ˇsorry.

11. I'm ˈsorry, I'm ˋlate again. – What's the matter with you this time?

12. Can you come on Sunday? We are having a barbecue. – ˋSorry, I ˏcan't. I'm going to a birthday party.

13. You are a bit in my way. – ˏSorry.

14. Exˇcuse me, is there a ˈbus from here to the ˏairport? – You can take a bus number 100.

15. This room is very comfortable. Here's the key. – ˏThanks.

16. We are leaving now. Good-ˋbye, ˏdear. – ˇBye. ˋSee you ˏlater.

17. This is ˋMary, my roommate. – Håˏllo.

18. I'm ˈawfully ˇsorry, but there's tomato juice all over the armchair. – Oh, ˋthat doesn't ˏmatter.

19. ˈGood ˋmorning, gentlemen. – ˈGood ˋmorning, sir.

20. Can I try this jumper on? – ˋHere you ˏare. – ˏThanks.

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