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A proud parent

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 701.

A special washing machine


M r s M a r s h. Does this shop sell washing machines?

M r S h a w. Yes. This is the newest washing machine, madam.

M r s M a r s h. Is it Swedish?

M r S h a w. No, madam. It's English.

M r s M a r s h. Please show me how it washes.

M r S h a w. Shall I give you a demonstration? Here are some sheets and

shirts. You put them in the machine. You shut the door. And

you push this button.

M r s M a r s h. The machine shouldn't shake like that, should it?

M r S h a w. Washing machines always shake, madam. Ah! It's finished


M r s M a r s h. But the sheets have shrunk, and so have the shirts.

M r S h a w. Do you wish to buy this machine, madam?

M r s M a r s h. I'm not sure.




M r s R a n d a l. Are all the children grown up now, Ruth?

M r s R e e d. Oh, yes. Laura is the cleverest one. She's a librarian in the

public library.

M r s R a n d a l. Very interesting. And what about Rita?

M r s R e e d. She's a secretary at the railway station.

M r s R a n d a l. And what about Rosemary? She was always a very pretty


M r s R e e d. Rosemary is a waitress in a restaurant in Paris. She's married

to an electrician.

M r s R a n d a l. And what about Jerry and Roland?

M r s R e e d. Jerry drives a lorry. He drives everywhere in Europe.

M r s R a n d a l. Really? Which countries does he drive to?

M r s R e e d. France and Austria and Greece and Russia.

M r s R a n d a l. And does Roland drive a lorry too?

M r s R e e d. Oh, no. Roland is a pilot.

M r s R a n d a l. Really? Which countries does he fly to?

M r s R e e d. Australia and America.



8. I love it here!


G u y.This is a very beautiful house.

C e l i n e. Thank you. I like it very much, too.

G u y. Celine, you're American. Why do you live here in London?

C e l i n e. Because I just love it here! The people are fantastic! I love them!

And of course, my husband, Charles, is English, and I love him,


G u y. That's a very nice photo. Who are they?

C e l i n e. My sons. That's Matt, and that's Jack. They go to school here. My

daughter's at school in the US. Her name's Lisa-Marie.

G u y. Why does Lisa-Marie go to school in the US?

C e l i n e. Because she lives with her father. My first husband, you know, the

actor Dan Brat. I hate him and all his movies. I never watch them.

G u y. I see. And does Lisa-Marie visit you?

C e l i n e. Oh, yes. She visits me every vacation. She's here with me now.

G u y. And is this a photo of you and Charles?

C e l i n e.Oh yes. It's us in Hawaii. It's out wedding. We're so happy




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