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Vocabulary Section

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 352.


Exercise I. Find in the Text the Russian for:

a good way; put up your own money; have capital at risk; the bank's initial equity; the owner's stake; hire and train a staff; initial stake; keep enough cash in the vault; meet the demand for withdrawals; initial expenses; allocate to vault cash; certificates of deposit; a competitive interest rate; it is up to you; return the principal; balance sheet; at any given moment; bank's assets; bank's liabilities; assets and liabilities.

Exercise II. Find in the Text the English for:

вкладывать деньги; депозитные сертификаты; получить ссуду на $6 миллионов; банковский начальный капитал; арендовать здание; нанять и подготовить персонал; часть стартового капитала; открыть текущий чековый счет; сберегательные счета и срочные займы; потенциальные заемщики; процент по займам; достаточно высокая процентная ставка; вернуть основную сумму; к установленному сроку; вероятность воздействия; чистая стоимость.


Exercise III. Answer the following questions:

1. How to startyour own bank with?

2. What should obtain next?

3. What should you do with some of your initial stake?

4. What are those funds used for?

5. Why do youneed to keep enough cash in the vault?

6. Where is the rest of the initial stake placed?

7. What services do you provide customers with?

8. Who determines the bank's policy? How?

9. Why do you need an accounting system for?

10. What is the most important account?

11. What does it show?

12. What should be the value of equity?

Exercise IV. Fill in the proper words:

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