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A Challenge for Europe

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 918.

Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Word Building 2

Although recently there has been a small reductuion (0) in the REDUCE

number of people out of work in Europe, __________ (1) EMPLOY

is still the number one __________ (2) problem facing the fifteen SOCIETY

member states of the EU. Moreover, __________ (3) of opportunity EQUAL

between men and women is an issue that __________ (4) in many POLITICAL

countries have not come to grips with. In __________ (5) such as the PROFESS

law women are still noticeable by their absence. __________ (6) EMPLOY

still discriminate against female __________ (7) in a number of ways EMPLOY

even if their __________ (8) are the same as those of men. QUALIFY

It would be a pity if the __________ (9) of the EU on an economic ACHIEVE

level were marred by __________ (10) in the vital area of social FAIL


Reading and Speaking 3 The same or different?

Do men and women bring different qualities to business or is it nonsense to talk about male and female management styles? Mark the following management qualities:

M (man), W (woman) or M / W according to whether you think they are moretypical of men, more typical of women or shared by both.

1. Being able to take the initiative.

2. Being a good listener.

3. Staying calm under pressure.

4. Being prepared to take risks.

5. Being conscientious and thorough.

6. Having good communication skills.

7. Being energetic and assertive.

8. Getting the best out of people.

9. Being independent and authoritative.

10. Being supportive towards colleagues.

11. Being able to delegate.

12. Motivating by example.

13. Having a co-operative approach.

14. Being single-minded and determined.

15. Being a good time-manager.

Now select what you consider to be the five most important qualities in any manager and prioritize them in order of importance.


MEN and WOMEN do things differently. There are, of course, exceptions to every gcneralisation, including this one. Cristina Stuart is managing director of Speakeasy Training, a consultancy that runs courses for men and women working together. Here she describes a few key differences between the sexes in the workplace.

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Make a list of questions which the writer, Charles Harvey, would have asked to get his information for the whole article. Re-enact the interview in pairs afterwards. | Conversation
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