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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 535.





If the woman does not copy the male confrontational style, she is often ignored.

Men find it easy to tell others about their success. Women tend to share or pass on the credit for their success.

Men's humour can be cruel - a man's joke usually has a victim. Female humour-is less hurtful. A woman often jokes against herself.

Many men have a female style of working. Equally many women have a male approach, as Ms Stuart says.

Many of the current management theorems – flatter organisations (ie organisations in which there are fewer managers and people have equal status), empowerment, managing by consensus – have a female style to them.


Does your choice indicate a male- or female-oriented view of management ability? Is it a fairly balanced view or rather heavily biased? Which of these qualities do you think you possess yourself? Are you views similar to those expressed in the article She Is the Boss?


She Is the Boss

Business was invented by men and to a certain extent it is still"a boy's game". Less than 20% of the managers in most European companies are women, with fewer still in senior positions.

Yet in Britain one in three new businesses are started up by women and, according to John Naisbitt and Patricia Auburdene, authors of Megatrends 2000, since 1980 the number of self-employed women has increased twice as fast as the number of self-­employed men.

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