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The New Achievers

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 453.

Better Communicators

It's an overgeneralization. of course, but it remains true that men will more readily take the initiative than women. The female style of management leans towards consensus and conciliation. Women seem to be better conmunicators than men - both more articulate and better listeners. And perhaps it is women's capacity to listen which makes them particularly effective in people-oriented areas of business. In any mixed group of business people the ones doing most of the talking will almost certainly be the men. But perhaps only the women will really be listening.

And, as companies change from large hierarchical structures to smaller more flexible organizations, the communication skills and supportive approach of women are likely to become more valued. It was predominantly men who profited from 'the materialistic 80s', the age of the achiever. But it will be women who achieve the most in 'the caring 90s' and beyond.


Ex.4.18. Find in the text above the English for the following:

1) одно из трёх предприятий; 2) самозанятость; 3) сорок процентов новых предприятий сворачиваются в течение первых двух лет; 4) руководители-мужчины не очень-то охотно выдвигают женщин; 5) яркий пример женщины-предпринимателя; 6) накладные расходы; 7) программа успеха; 8) конкурентоспособный; 9) напористый, настойчивый; 10) рисковать; 11) честолюбец; 12) согласие и примирение; 13) чётко сформулированный; 14) иерархическая структура; 15) относиться с пониманием и поддержкой; 16) проявлять инициативу; 17) «гуманные 90-е».


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