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Date: 2015-10-07; view: 494.

Give possible reasons for the circumstances in which the police might do the following (based on your own country or your own experience). Some of the things are not mentioned above. Guess their meaning or use a dictionary if necessary.


Other types of policing

Name Definition
security forces often a name for the army and police together enforcing the law
plain clothes/ undercover police police who do not wear uniform
paramilitary police police who are more like soldiers than civilian police officers
drug squad police specially trained to fight the illegal drug trade
anti-corruption squad police specially trained to discover and fight bribery/corruption


1) carry out spot checks on lorries 6) set up a roadblock

2) charge someone with drink-driving 7) publish a photofit picture

3) tap someone's telephone 8) ask you to make a statement

4) use their powers of stop and search

5) carry out a surveillance operation on someone's house


2.2. What do we call…

1) a police officer who does not wear uniform?

2) a police force that are more like soldiers than police officers?

3) police officers engaged in combating bribery in public institutions?

4) the official paper you sometimes find stuck on your windscreen when you park illegally?

5) the police unit that fights against the illegal drug trade?

6) the police and army considered as a single body?


Article 1


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Police, traffic wardens, etc. | Answer the following questions.
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