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IT (Information Technology) ИТО

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 782.

PR (Public Relations) – связи с общ.

Sales - продажи

Marketing - маркетинг

Company Structure

Subsidiary (branch of a foreign company) – филиал

Multinational corporation – международные корпорации

Joint stock company - ЗАО

Limited liability company (Ltd) – ООО

Partnership - партнёрство

Sole trader - ИП

Company Profiles


B. Match the words with the definitions


1 bureaucracy 2 flattened hierarchy 3 standardized products 4 lifetime employment 5 merger 6 customized 7 tangible assets 8 lease a goods of the same quality and design b inflexible system of administration с rent a building on a temporary basis d more middle than senior managers e buildings and machinery a company owns f permanent jobs g made for a particular user h when two companies become one





At the top of a company is the Board of Directors (совет директоров) headed by the Chairperson (председатель)orPresident. The Board is responsible for policy decisions and strategy. It will usually appoint a Managing Director(исполнительный директор) or CEO (Chief Executive Officer)(генеральный)who has overall responsibility for the running of the business. Senior managers or company officers head the various departments(отдел) which may include the following:

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