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B. Read the text again and answer the following questions

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 871.

Talking about your job


Finance (and Accounting)-финансовый отдел

Personnel or HR (Human Resources)-отдел кадров

IT (Information Technology)-информ.техно-ии

Legal Affairs-правовые вопросы

R&D (Research and Development)-НИР

When meeting people for the first time in both professional and social
situations it is common to exchange information about your job. The following
phrases are useful for describing what you do.

My job entails/involves... I'm in charge of(я отвечаю за)...

I'm responsible for... I report to(я отчитываюсь кому-то)...

I work for/under... I manage...

A. Read the text on the opposite page and say why the author thinks ‘choice' will play a major role in determining the structure of tomorrow's companies

1 What were the characteristics of US corporations in the past?

These were hierarchical and bureaucratic organizations making long runs of standardized products.

2.What changes have occurred to those corporations?

The US's giant corporations have either disappeared or been transformed by global competition.

3.What is meant by 'shifting from high-volume to high-value"?

Shifting from quantity to quality is meant by 'shifting from high-volume to high-value

4.What different types of future companies does the author mention?

The author mentions networks as types of future companies

5.Why does he believe there is not one definite type of future company?

there is not one definite type of future company because there is a lot of choice

6 What does he believe to be the key to survival for companies in future?

the key to survival for companies in future is flexible

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