| a result that you plan to achieve
| цель
| eim
| to plan or make preparations for; to organize
| организовать
| ə'reindZ
be a success
| to achieve the desired results
| иметь успех
| bi: ə sək'ses
be present
| be in a particular place
| присутствовать
| bi: ‘prezənt
| a particular situation or example of something
| случай, дело
| ‘keis
| to make or become different
| менять(ся)
| ts'eindz
| to examine something to find out if it is correct, safe, or acceptable
| проверять
| ts'ek
company structure
| the way in which the divisions of a company are arranged
| структура компании
| ,kúmpəni ‘strúktsə
| to organize and perform a particular activity
| проводить
| kən'dúkt
| to produce something or make it happen
| создавать
| kri'eit
| an arrangement to have something and pay for it later
| кредит
| 'kredit
customer service
| the way in which a company treats its customers and answers their questions or complaints
| работа с клиентами
| ,kústəmə 'sə:vis
| faults in something or in the way it has been made
| дефекты, брак
| 'di:fekts
| a section of a large organization
| отдел, департамент
| di'pa:'tmənt
| to say or write what someone or sth is like
| описывать
| di'skraib
| a simple drawing using lines to explain where something is, how something works, etc.
| диаграмма
| 'daiəgræm
divided into
| separated into parts
| разделенный на
| di'vaidid intu
| being, living
| существующий
| ig'zistiŋ
| separately printed part taken from a book or text
| отрывок
| ‘ekstrækt
| to move down onto the ground or from a high position to a lower position
| падать, снижаться
| fo:l
| the activity of managing money, especially by a commercial organization or a government
| финансы
| 'fainæns
| to discover
| находить
| faind
| a planned drawing, consisting of a line or lines, showing how two or more sets of numbers are related to each other
| график
| gra:f
| to give an answer to a particular question when you do not have all the facts and so cannot be certain if you are correct
| догадываться
| ges
| a person or organization that has invited guests to a place or event
| принимающая сторона, хозяин
| həust
human resources
| the department in a company that deals with employing and training people
| отдел кадров
| ,hju:mən ri'zo:siz
| to form or have a mental picture or idea of sth
| воображать, представлять себе
| i'mædzin
| being necessary or of great value
| важность
| im'po:təns
in charge of
| responsible for, in control of
| ответственный за
| in ‘tsa:dz əv
IT (information technology)
| the department in a company that runs the computer systems
| отдел
информационных технологий
| ,ai ‘ti:
| a piece of metal of a special shape used for locking a door, starting a car engine, etc.
| ключ
| ki:
| the activity of planning and organizing the supply of materials, goods, and staff
| логистика
| lə'dzistiks
look for
| to try to find something
| искать
| luk
| to keep sth. such as a machine or building in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly
| поддерживать в рабочем состоянии, содержать
| mein'tein
market share
| the amount of goods or services sold by a company when compared with the total amount of such goods sold
| доля рынка
| ,ma:kit ‘seə
| the activity of presenting, advertising, and selling the company's products in the best possible way
| маркетинг
| 'ma:kətiŋ
| an occasion when people come together to discuss sth
| собрание
| ‘mi:tiŋ
national lottery
| a game played in a particular country in which tickets with different numbers on them are sold and then numbers are chosen by chance to see who has won prizes
| национальная лотерея
| ,næsənəl ‘lotəri
| give attention to something
| заметить, обратить внимание
| nout
| to become aware of sth. by looking; to see
| заметить
| ‘noutis
| the main activities that a business does to make money, e.g. selling goods or services or manufacturing products
| операции, работа, функционирование
| opə'reisnz
| to arrange for something to happen or to be provided
| организовывать
| 'o:gənaiz
| to take part in or become involved in an activity
| принимать участие
| pa:'tisipeit
pie chart
| a diagram consisting of a circle that is divided into sections to show the size of particular amounts in relation to the whole
| 'pai tsa:t
play a part in
| играть роль в чем-л.
| ,plei ‘pa:t
| to introduce
| представлять
| pri'zent
| подсказка
| prompt
| the activity of buying things that a company needs, such as materials, parts, equipment, services, etc.
| закупка
| 'pə:tsəsiŋ
quality control
| a system of keeping high standards in products by planning carefully, checking, and making necessary improvements
| контроль качества
| kwoləti kən'trol
| to get or be given something
| получать, принимать
| ri'si:v
refer to sth.
| to look at something for information and help, or instruct someone to look at something for information or help
| относиться к чему-л.
| ri'fə:
report to
| to have a particular manager who is responsible for your work and tells you what to do
| подчиняться кому-л.
| ri'po:t tu:
research and development
| the work of trying to find new products and processes or improving existing ones
| научно-исследовательская работа, отдел
| ri'sə:ts ən di'veləpmənt
| an answer or reaction
| ответ, реакция
| ri'sponts
responsible for
| having the job or duty of doing something or taking care of someone/something
| ответственный за
| ri'sponsibl fo:(r)
| to increase, to move up
| подниматься, расти
| raiz
| the pleasant feeling you get when you receive sth you wanted, or when you have done or are doing sth you wanted to do
| удовлетворение
| ,sæti'sfæksn
search engine
| a computer program that searches the internet for information, especially by looking for documents containing a particular word or group of words
| программа-поисковик
| 'sə:ts endzin
| the activities or processes involved in keeping a place safe
| охрана
| si'kuərəti
| to make it possible for someone to see sth
| показывать
| səu
| to express the most important facts about something in a short and clear form
| подытоживать, резюмировать
| ‘súməraiz
| an arrangement of facts and numbers in rows or blocks, esp. in printed material
| таблица
| teibl
take turns to do sth.
| to do the same thing one after the other
| делать что-л. по очереди
| ,teik ‘tə:nz
technical support
| help with the use of machinery or equipment, especially things relating to computers
| техническая поддержка
| ,teknikl sə'po:t
| the process of teaching people the skills that they need to do a job
| тренинг, обучение
| 'treiniŋ
| a short journey in which someone goes to a place and returns from it
| поездка, путешествие
| trip
| a single item or a separate part of sth larger
| единица; подразделение
| ‘ju:nit
| the quality of being useful or important
| ценность, значимость
| 'vælju:
| to go to a place in order to look at it, or to a person in order to spend time with them
| посещать
| ‘vizit
| someone who is visiting a person or a place that is not their home, their usual place of work, etc.
| посетитель
| 'vizitə(r)
| to meet or speak to someone in a friendly way when they come to the place where you are
| приветствовать, радушно встречать
| ‘welkəm