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A Complete the project summary by another researcher below using the correct word or phrase from the box.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 1553.

D Look at the highlighted sections A-F again. Underline the words that you could use in your own project summary. Make notes like the following example.

C Match each highlighted section in the summary (A-F) to the correct function (1-6) from the list in Exercise 5a.

However, to date and limited to define the problem (A).


aims to however the initial phase the proposed research the study will indicate


Consumer interest in wines produced in organic vineyards has increased significantly in the last few years. (1) ______ , to date it is unclear whether these production methods actually improve soil or grape quality. (2) _____ will be the first phase of a long-term study on a New Zealand vineyard. These results (3) _____ whether methods of viticulture improve grape quality.

The research (4) _____ investigate the effects of organic agriculture on soil and grape quality. (5) _____ will consist of two treatments, organic and conventional (the control), each replicated four times in a randomised, complete block design. All organic practices will follow the standards set out by the Food Strandards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ).

(6) _____ will assess soil quality using physical, chemical and biological indicators over six years. The next phase will then assess the physiology of the vines.


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A 3-D odour-compass for odour-detecting robots | A In pairs look at an extract from the CV of a student, Carlos, below. According to Susana's advice in Exercise 8c, does Carlos need to make any changes to what he has written?
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