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Preparing for an interview.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 782.

B Write out the information for three different publications Carlos has worked on (1-3) in the correct citation form.

A Your CV should always include any publications you have worked on in their correct citation form. In pairs, answer the following questions.

1 What is the correct order of information in a citation? Number the items in the box below in order from 1 to 6.

□ page numbers □ journal volume and/or issue number

□ title of article □ year □ journal name □ author's name

2 If the paper has not yet been published, what do you write instead of the volume and page?

3 If the paper has been submitted (given) to a journal but not yet accepted, what do you write instead of the journal name, volume and page?


1 Submitted manuscript. / (2011) / hernandez Sanchez, R. And Alvarez, C.M. / ‘Salinity and intra-annual variability of perilagoonal vegetation'

2 Environmental Management Review / (2011) / ‘Declining peri-dunal variability in Doñana' / In press. / Hernandez Sanchez, R., Gomez Herrera, S.A. / and Alvarez, C.M.

3 pp 167-184 / ‘Hydroperiod effects on peri-dunal vegetation' / Vol 2. / Spanish Hydrology Journal / (2010) / Hernandez Sanchez, R. and Alvarez, C.M.

11 Think about a job or a scholarship you would like to apply for and then write a first draft of your CV. Use the advice in Exercises 7 to 9 to help you.


12 Read the extract of an email to Eriko fromand we plan to hold interviews in the final

Dr Caroline Hansford of SARF and then answerweek of July. Your interview has been

the following questions. scheduled for Thursday 28 July at 0900

1 How will Eriko be interviewed? GMT. As you are currently based in the

2 What does she have to do before the interview? UK, we will be interviewing you by con-

3 Why might this interview be particularly difficult? ference call. Please write back to us to con-

firm your availability for this date and

13 a Eriko has decided to write her presentation and time. We will be asking all interviewers to

then to memorise it. In pairs, make a note of thedeliver a short presentation of their research

advantages and disadvantages of: proposal at interview. In your case, we

  • reading your presentation from a script would like to ask you to upload a video of
  • memorising the script of your presentation yourself giving such a presentation no later
  • not using a script (using notes only) than Wednesday 20 July.


b ▶ 1.4 Eriko has asked Carlos to comment on her presentation. Listen to Eriko's first two attempts and answer the following questions.

1 How do you think Eriko feels?

2 What comment does Carlos make on her first attempt?

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C Rewrite the following sentences as bullet points. | CONFERENCE CALL INTERVIEWS
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