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B How easy was it to decide where extracts came from? How did you decide on the right answer?

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 646.

A Read the following five extracts and then say which form (or forms) of communication from Exercise 1a each one comes from. Which form(s) of communication are not included in these extracts?

A ... more people were pain-free when using the handheld device than those who had used an identical dummy device. Although the study by Lipton et.al. (2010) has reliable results, there are some points to consider when putting these findings into context. Importantly, the results will need to be verified in larger trials that directly compare ...


BTea and coffee drinkers have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a large body of evidence shows. And the protection may not be down to caffeine since decaf coffee has the greatest effect, say researchers in Archives of Internal Medicine. They looked at ...


C... can be rapidly generated by lentivirus-mediated transgenesis. RNAi also holds great promise as a novel therapeutic approach. This report provides an insight into the current gene silencing techniques in mammalian systems.


DHi! Has anyone had any experiences with nanoparticles sticking to glassware: - (? If so, does anyone know if there's a suitable silylation protocol to pre-treat the glassware to do something about this annoying non-specific adsorption? Thanks!


EAnimal and in vitro studies suggest that aspirin may inhibit breast cancer metastasis. We studied whether aspirin use among women with breast cancer decreased their risk of death from breast cancer. This was a prospective observational study based on ...


3 a The language we use changes according to why we are writing (the purpose) and who we are writing for (the reader). It is important to notice the different styles of language used in English. Complete the second column of the table below, carefully reading the appropriate extract (A-E).

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C In pairs, read the following statements and say which form(s) of communication from Exercise 1a the speakers should use to find the information they want. | D How are the questions in the Subject field of each post different from normal questions?
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