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New Evidence That Dark Chocolate Helps Ease Emotional Stress

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 595.

A Read the headlines and beginnings of two news articles reporting a recent scientific development. Then answer the questions below.

Writing a critical review.

In pairs, discuss the following questions.

E Think of a question related to your own research. Then write a three-sentence post for an online forum in an appropriate style using the phrases in the box to help you.

  • Does anybody know what ... is ... ?
  • I know that ... , but I can't find / don't know ...
  • I was wondering how / what / why ...
  • I don't mean ... , but ...
  • In other words, ...
  • Any help here would be appreciated.
  • Thanks in advance.


1 What kinds of text do you need to write in English for your work or studies?

2 Why is it important to write your texts in an appropriate style?

3 What can you do to take note of the different styles of language used in English texts?



The ‘Chocolate Cure' For Emotional Stress

There may well be another important reason for giving your sweetheart sweets for Valentine's Day ...

The ‘chocolate cure' for emotional stress is getting new support from a clinical trial published ...


1 Do you think the claims made in the headlines seem likely or unlikely? Why?

2 In general, how can the science reported in the media differ from the actual science? Why do you think there is a difference?

3 If you wanted to learn more about the research you see reported in the newspaper, where could you look for more information?


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D How are the questions in the Subject field of each post different from normal questions? | C Ryuchi has taken notes on the research paper that was reported in the news headlines in Exercise 6a. Check you know the meaninng of the words in the box.
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