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An MTA to receive some samples from MATERIAL TRANSFER FORMDate: 2015-10-07; view: 563. A Binh, a biochemist, is completing C In pairs, discuss the following questions. 1 Does your place of work or study have similar rules to those in the email? 2 What kind of materials require an MTA? 3 What kind of information would you expect to be asked for in an MTA?
a tissue bank in the UK. Read the MTA SECTION A form on the right. Does this MTA ask for(to be completed when sending or receiving material): the kind of information you discussed inRecipient Researcher: Dc Alina Piotrowska______ your answer to question 3 in Exercise 10c?Recipient Institution & Address: School of Biological_ Sciences, University of the South, GPO Box 2010____ b ▶ 2.3 Binh's supervisor Alina is helpingProvider Researcher: Liverpool Tissue Bank_____ him to complete the MTA. Listen andMaterial Name: Breast tissue microarrays - paraffin complete Section A by circling the correctwax embedded tissue________________________ option (1-8).Is this work involved with existing commercial arrangements? (1) Yes / No c Binh has to write a brief lay summary ofDoes the work involving the material what the material will be used for in Sec-have commercial potential? (2) Yes / No tion B of the MTA. In pairs, discuss theIs this material hazardous? (3) Yes / No following questions.Is BioSafety Committee Approval 1 What do you think a lay summary is? required? (4) Yes / No 2 What kind of language should Binh use or Is Ethics Committee Approval avoid when writing it? required? (5) Yes / No 3 Who will probably read the summary? If required, has Ethics and / or 4 Why do you think the MTA asks for the BioSafety Approval been received? (6) Yes / No summary to be written in this way? Who will own the IP in any modifi- (7) University/ cations to, or data collected on the Other / b Complete Binh's lay summary using thematerial? Joint phrases in the box. Will any University of the South students different types of material is samples of be involved in using the material? (8) Yes / No The aim of the research is to investigate will be stained to show SECTION B (to be completed when receiving material): 12 Think of some material you often use inBrief lay summary of what the material is and what your lab. Write a brief lay summary ofit will be used for: what the material is and what it will beThe (1)_____ human breast tissue, both normal and used for, similar to the one Binh wrotefrom (2)_____tumour. The tissue (3)_____ expres- in Exercise 11d. sion of the Nek-2 protein, a protein which has been shown to be overexpressed in one class of tumours. (4) _________ Nek-2 expression in various tumour types and grades.