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A. Speak on the top management tasks as you understand them: what they are and what you consider necessary for their implementation.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 403.

Answer the questions.

Read the definitions and find corresponding words or expressions.

Peter F. Drucker

Management Challenges for the 21st Century

HarperBusiness, 1999, pp 100 – 101



  1. be based or founded upon something
  2. to use a computer to control the way something is done, to store information etc
  3. partner, colleague
  4. of, relating to, or using the World Wide Web
  5. to organize something according to a system
  6. to make something happen
  7. capable of existing together in harmony or designed to work with another device or system without modification
  8. essential to the existence, development, or success of something
  9. ultra-low
  10. specialized software applications that enable group members to share information and also communicate with each other more easily
  11. assign the responsibility for a bad or unfortunate situation or phenomenon to someone or something



  1. What is the difference between R.Grant's and P.Drucker's opinions on

a) accounting systems

b) total quality management?

  1. How does Peter Drucker explain the fact that IT has almost no influence on business management?
  2. What is required by top management for the fulfillment of their tasks, according to the text?


B. Discuss P.Drucker's opinion on IT having almost no influence on business management. Do you agree with the guru? Why? \ Why not?

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