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Qualifications, degrees

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 407.

Grades (USA)

Academic programs

• course (a one/three credit course)

• to take a course

• to select a course

• to sign up for a course

• pass-fail course

• to add a course- totake up an additional course for personal interest, not for a credit

• elective- an optional study, a course a student may select from alternatives

• a major/to major – to specialize in particular subject

e.g. What's your major?

• a minor - second in importance


• to get/to give a grade

• pass-fail grading (to take grammar pass-fail)

• grades A,B,C,D,E

• A-student

• to graduate with straight A

• a credit

• to earn a credit

• education record – information on a student's attendance, degrees conferred and dates, honours and awards; college, class, major field of study, address, telephone number

• smb's qualifications - all the exams someone has passed

e.g. List your qualifications in the space below.

• degree - the qualification that a student gets when he/she successful­ly finishes a course at university, it can also mean a more advanced qualification

e.g. He has a degree in political science from the University of Chicago.

• to award a degree to smb/ to confer a degree

• bachelor's degree - a degree granted for the successful completion of a baccalaureate program of studies, usually requiring at least four years of full-time college-level study «ñòåïåíü áàêàëàâðà»

• Â. À. - Bachelor of Arts

• B. Ed. -Bachelor of Education

• B. S. - Bachelor of Science

• associate degree - a degree granted in the US for the successful com­pletion of a sub-baccalaureate program of studies, usually requiring at least two years of full-time college-level study which may be provided by a two-year junior college or technical college or community college

• A. A. - Associate of Arts

• A. S. - Associate in Science

• A. A. S. - Associate in Applied Science

• master's degree - a degree awarded for the successful completion of a program generally requiring one or two years of full-time college-level study beyond the bachelor's degree «ñòåïåíü ìàãèñòðà»

• M. A. - Master of Arts

• M. Ed. - Master of Education

• M. S. - Master of Science

• M. B. A. - Master of Business Administration, doctor's degree - an earned degree carrying the title of Doctor. This degree usually is based on a program requiring at least two academic years of original research leading to the defence of a doctoral disser­tation. (thesis)

• Ph. D. - Doctor of Philosophy (in the arts and sciences)

• Ed. D. - Doctor of Education

e.g. To get this job, you need at least a Bachelor's degree in Elec­trical Engineering. She has a Ph.D. in Linguistics.

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