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Ex.2 Give antonyms to the following words and expressions.

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 716.

Ex.1 Transcribe the following words and learn their pronunciation.


Soon learnt, soon forgotten.— Выученное наспех быстро забывается.

Live and learn.— Век живи — век учись.

Little knowledge is a dangerous thing.— Недоученный хуже неученого. (Ср.: Всякое полузнание хуже незнания).

То know everything is to know nothing.— Знать все зна­чит ничего не знать.

It is never too late to learn.— Учиться никогда не поздно.

Faculty, department, applicant, command, prelimi­nary, candidate, educational, scientific, institution, philol­ogy, college, curriculum, philological, pronun­ciation, to recommend, convenient, especially, extremely, theatrical, choir, research, application, essay, require­ment, laboratory, academic, academy, compulsory, to grant, seminar, allied.


To attend classes, to be absent, to fail, in writing, part-time students, evening department, to lack fluency, to be good at a subject.


Ex.3 What do we call:

the machine that records your voice; the students that study by correspondence; the students of the day (eve­ning) department; the oral check up of the students' knowledge; young boys and girls who hand in their applications to the university (institute); meetings that every higher educational institute (higher school) gives to schoolchildren; all the professors, lecturers and as­sistants of an institute; a course of study in a university; the department where they take in applications to an institute; students who have just started studying at a university; the document where the examiners register a student's marks


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Additional Material to the Lesson | Ex.5 Insert prepositions or post-verbal adverbs if necessary.
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