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Ex.2 Give antonyms to the following words and expressions.Date: 2015-10-07; view: 716. Ex.1 Transcribe the following words and learn their pronunciation. Proverbs Soon learnt, soon forgotten.— Выученное наспех быстро забывается. Live and learn.— Век живи — век учись. Little knowledge is a dangerous thing.— Недоученный хуже неученого. (Ср.: Всякое полузнание хуже незнания). То know everything is to know nothing.— Знать все значит ничего не знать. It is never too late to learn.— Учиться никогда не поздно. Faculty, department, applicant, command, preliminary, candidate, educational, scientific, institution, philology, college, curriculum, philological, pronunciation, to recommend, convenient, especially, extremely, theatrical, choir, research, application, essay, requirement, laboratory, academic, academy, compulsory, to grant, seminar, allied.
To attend classes, to be absent, to fail, in writing, part-time students, evening department, to lack fluency, to be good at a subject.
Ex.3 What do we call: the machine that records your voice; the students that study by correspondence; the students of the day (evening) department; the oral check up of the students' knowledge; young boys and girls who hand in their applications to the university (institute); meetings that every higher educational institute (higher school) gives to schoolchildren; all the professors, lecturers and assistants of an institute; a course of study in a university; the department where they take in applications to an institute; students who have just started studying at a university; the document where the examiners register a student's marks