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D Prepositions

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 960.

Ń Definitions

 Complete the sentence

A Collocations

Vocabulary tasks

Match these nouns as they occur together in the text.

1. product 2. target 3. borrowing 4. project 5. delayering 6. country 7. business 8. software 9. company a. teams b. objectives c. lines d. units e. company f. process g. markets h. needs i. managers

Use an appropriate phrase from Exercise A to complete each sentence.

1. Banks need to be fully aware of their customers' borrowing needs.

2. Silicon Valley is full of .......................... .

3. Many companies are now organised along . ……………….., in which each division is responsible for a group of products.

4. A matrix organisation groups people into ……………………… .

5. Some companies are divided into different …………………., often also called profit centres.

6. A multinational company will often have a number of ………………………., in charge of activities in different parts of the world.

Match these terms with their definitions.

1. business entities 2. set up 3. innovative 4. flopped 5. outsourcing 6. customercentric 7. competitive edge a. focusing on the customer rather than the product b. new, original c. companies d. something that makes you better than other companies e. did not succeed, failed f. structure g. getting external companies to do work for your company  

Complete these sentences with an appropriate preposition.

1. Organisational structure concerns who reports ... to … whom.

2. Depending ………………… its size, there are several organisational structures a company can choose from.

3. Many companies are organising themselves .……………….. product lines.

4. In the 1980s a wave of restructuring went ………………… industry.

5. Delayering was driven ………………… the need to reduce costs.

6. Microsoft in Ireland is split ………………… seven business units.

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Ń Understanding expressions | CASE STUDY: FORD AND HONDA
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