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A Synonims

Date: 2015-10-07; view: 836.

Vocabulary tasks

C How the text is organised

B Understanding details

A Understanding main points

Reading tasks


Read the text about how global companies organise their production and answer these questions.

1. Where are most simple toys manufactured and why?

2. Why does Lego do things differently?

3. What is the reason for a global company to have a “part configuration” model?

4. According to the text, what are the advantages and disadvantages of “low-cost assembly plants” ?

5. What are the operational advantages of outsourcing?

Mark these statements T (true) or F (false) according to the information in the text. Find the part of the text that gives the correct information.

1. The main reason to have overseas plants is to be close to local markets. F

2. A lot of plants are now being located in Eastern Europe.

3. Imports to many markets are now cheaper.

4. The number of overseas plants is increasing.

5. Cost is the main factor in choosing the location of a foreign plant.

6. Outsourcing production to subcontractors gives a company more flexibility.

What do these words refer to in the text?

1. its (line 6) a global company 2. its (line 8) 3. this (line 9)   4. this (line 16) 5. this (line 25) 6. it (line 41)

1. The article deals with the question about where to locate “production facilities”. Three other words are used in the article with a similar meaning to “facilities”. What are they?

2. What other word is used in the article with the same meaning as “production”?

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